Saturday, February 29, 2020

American History Essay Example for Free (#6)

American History Essay African American (597) , American history (69) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints â€Å"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil† was a wise phase once uttered by Hannah Arendt. I love this quote because is perfectly describes the two boys from â€Å"American History X,† Danny and Derek. These two boys have seen and done it all when it comes to hate groups, as both were members of a neo-nazi hate group. Neo- Nazi hate groups use authoritarian, scapegoat, normative, and exploitation theories to justify their hate, discrimination, and torture of anyone who isn’t a part of the â€Å"supreme race,† or white. Boy Danny and Derek end up in this life from an early age. Parents are one of the biggest, if not the biggest influence on a child’s life. When Danny and Derek were both relatively young they looked up to their father, thought of him as the â€Å"ideal† man. However their father was a racist, influencing almost every thought the boys had. At family dinner when talking about about a black school teacher their father said, â€Å"It’s nigger bullshit,† and warned Derek not to buy into the equality teachings. Because Danny and Derek both looked up to their dad so much, this would be and example of the exploitation theory. Exploitation theory is when one societal group, in this case whites, use hostility to keep their position and power intact. This really come into play after Danny and Derek’s father was murdered and Derek believes it was a race related killing. Right after their father died, Derek joined a neo-nazi hate group known as the DOC(Disciples of Christ). Being extreme believers in the white supremacy movement, the DOC acted out with violence and extreme hatred toward any other race, especially blacks. Derek, being a high ranking member, murdered 2 black men for the cause. He served three years for the murders, which impacted his whole family tremendously. At the beginning of Derek’s sentence he did not want any visitors, claiming it would be to hard to see his family. He made friends with other neo-nazi members in prison, but soon started realizing that they were not serious about the cause like he was. He also started becoming friends with his black work partner who said, â€Å"I ain’t the nigger in here, you are† Derek started realizing that white supremacy what basically just a scapegoat. Meaning that the followers of the movement were just trying to find someone to blame for their problems, which in this case happened to be  the blacks. After befriending his black work mate he realized that blacks are human too. Once he could recognize blacks as human he finally felt guilt for killing to people, not niggers, people. Derek was determined to help his brother and family by getting them out of the gangs and hate. One of the biggest influences on Derek while in jail was his principal from high school. He was a black man with experience in dealing with â€Å"troubled youth.† He gave Derek the push he needed by saying, â€Å"Has anything you’ve done made your life better?†. Later Derek told Danny, â€Å"It’s just because I was pissed off†. I think this was Derek’s way of responding to his principal, he really didn’t believe in the cause it was more of just an outlet for his anger that his father would have approved of. While Derek is locked up. American History. (2016, Oct 18). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Literature Review For Creating strong teacher-student relationships to Research Paper

Literature Review For Creating strong teacher-student relationships to improve student achievement in Mathematics class - Research Paper Example Joffrey, with preparation and a sense of delight and gratitude, gave students a chance to explain mathematics inculcating a love for the subject (Strogatz and Joffray, 2009). The Calculus of Friendship is not only a delightful read for aspiring mathematics teachers, but also emphasized the importance of teacher-student relationship for mathematics learning. Mathematics education has evolved over the last hundred years (Jankvist, 2010). Recent perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning have stressed on the importance of mathematical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and their application of real life situations. Depaepe et al. (2007) argued that aspects of classroom culture assumed to enhance beliefs and problem-solving competencies include establishment of classroom norms; instructional techniques and classroom organizational forms; and set of tasks. Strong focus on heuristic skills and embedding tasks in real life are aspects that are easier to implement. The use of technology has been brought about by professional thinking about pedagogy (Katz and Solomon, 2008). Systems include the use of computer-based tools and resources (Smith, 1998; Pear and Crone-Todd, 2002). Ruthven et al. (2004) described the contribution of technology in seven themes including improving working processes and production; supporting processes such as trialling, checking, and refinement; enhancing the variety and appeal of classroom activity; fostering independence among pupils and peer support; overcoming difficulties among pupils and building reassurance; broadening reference and increasing activity currency; and focussing on overarching issues and accentuating important features. Professional thinking and use of technology is anchored in student motivation and classroom learning. Kilpatrick et al. (2001) argued that students need to think mathematically for learning mathematics. In order to be mathematically proficient, students must

Saturday, February 1, 2020

How Business Can Protect Themselves From Fraud in an Ecommerce Essay

How Business Can Protect Themselves From Fraud in an Ecommerce Environment - Essay Example Fraud transaction is an issue of concern among customers and merchants. In the situation of fraud transactions, customers have several assurances from their card issuing banks through companies like master cards, visa, American express, and discover. Nevertheless, merchant have limited resources to counter fraud occurrences. Merchants can also follow the stipulated legal transaction process but end up losing payment without making any mistake. In case of a fraud transaction, banks are always not willing to refund the merchant resources. It is also likely that banks do not even bother to do an investigation on merchants’ claims. On the other hand, it is extremely easy for customers to make fraud claim to the bank as compared to merchant. Most customer claim refund of their transaction verbally. In most cases, detecting fraud cases is very expensive and labor extensive to merchant companies. In the scenario of fraud transaction, merchant are the one who suffer immensely since cu stomers can be compensated the loss. It is therefore imperative for online merchants to take action and come up with ways of minimizing fraud risks and protect their business from any financial loss through fraudulent transactions. Proper measures can increases confident among merchant in transacting business online. To develop confidence in their transaction, merchant should adopt the following measures ... One key is for decryption which is also known as private key while the other key is for encryption commonly known as public key. The public key is used by transaction administrators to assess the transaction process while the private key is used by customer and merchant to protect their personal information. The key helps in denies access of transaction information to intruders and hackers. The technology is also characterized by theoretical based security guarantees, effective weighing features and arithmetical elegance which identify the area transaction fraudulent. The technology does not require centralized intermediary for safe transaction thus it is cheap for the business (Anderson, 2001). The other most effective technology for protecting data and preventing fraud transaction is the use of smart cards. Smart card is effective in storing data such as identification credentials, medical information, and financial records. Due to the sensitivity of the information contained in sm art card, encryption keys are exceptionally relevant. The information in smart can be very helpful in retracing the transaction process in case the transaction is fraud. The merchant can use the contents in smart card to trace the customer in the situation of any transaction problem. It also reduces trust between the merchant and the customer thus forcing the merchant to be more cautious in the transaction process (Bishop, 2003). To protect their businesses from fraud transactions, merchants should adhere to the laid down guidelines and security policies. Most fraud cases are brought about by failure of merchant to adhere to the laid down security policies and regulations. More than 60 percent of the fraud cases emerge as a result of exposing transaction