Monday, September 30, 2019

Alpha Corporation Essay

1) Sources of Cash – Accounts receivable (payment from customers) , Proceeds from Sale of assets(PP&E), proceeds from sale of discontinued operations, Issue of Stock and long term debt Use of Cash – Buying of inventories, Account payables (payments to suppliers) , Purchase of Assets(PP&E), Investment in capitalized software, principal payment of short term debt, Repurchase of Stock, Dividends paid 2) Cash flow from operations (125.2, 89.3, and 46.8) was greater than that from net income (- 377.9, -623.5 , and -320.6). The reason for difference is lot of non- cash expenditure such as depreciation, amortization, and restructuring was deducted from the revenues to come to Net Income. Also, the gain from investment was deducted from the Net income as it is also a non-cash item. 3) No, the cash generated from operations (125.2, 89.3, and 46.8) was less than the investment in capital expenditure (129.7, 174.4, and 303.8) 4) No, the cash generated from operations (125.2, 89.3, and 46.8) was less than the total of investment in capital expenditure (129.7, 174.4, and 303.8) and dividends paid(0, 7.2, and 26.0 ). 5) Not applicable 6) Alpha corp used the following sources to fund capital expenditure and dividends – Proceeds from Sale of assets (PP&E), proceeds from sale of discontinued operations, Issue of Stock and long term debt. 7) Yes, Currents assets such as account receivables, inventory, and other current assets and current liabilities such as Accounts payable were uses and source of cash from the working capital respectively. 8) The other major items that impacted cash are – payments of long term debt , and proceeds from Disposal from PP&E Part 2 1) Net Income- in the last three years NI has decreased from -320.6 to -377.9. That is the company has been incurring increasing losses. 2) Cash flow from operations – in the last three years CFO has tripled(approx.) from 46.8 to 125.2. 3) Capital expenditure – Company has been investing the capitals but the amount has steadily decreased from 303.6 to 129.7. 4) Dividends – Alpha corp stopped paying dividends in 1991 though it paid in the previous years. 5) Net Borrowing – Net borrowings were positive in 1989 but since then Alpha has been paying off lot of long term debts resulting in negative net borrowin in 1990 and 1991. 6) Working capital accounts – In 1989, Alpha was buying more assets and paying off current liabilities such as account payables. However, in 1990 & 91, the trend was reversed. Part 3 Alpha – seems to be going through troubled times in the last two years. It has been running into losses for all the 3 years. Though it’s operations are generating cash but its NI is taking a hit because of lot of depreciation/amortization and restructuring. Also, the CFO is not enough to cover the capital expenditure because of which it has been selling assets, borrowing debts from market and issuing class B stocks. Beta – has been doing pretty well financially. Its NI has been growing at a good pace from 400K to 6,323K. It is in growing phase which is evident from the increasing investment in capital expenditure and growing inventory. It also invested excess cash in marketable securities and issued common stock as well. However, it needs to be vigilant of growing accounts receivable from 613 to 10,837 from 1990 to 91. Gamma – From 1989 -91, Gamma has gone from a net income of 1Bn to a loss of 617Mn. Even though the operation is still generating cash but the amount has been gradually decreasing. The decrease in Accounts payable and inventory indicates that the operation has taken a hit apparently because of decrease in demand. The decrease in Account receivables suggests that it has been selling less. Though it has been investing in capital the amount invested has been decreasing suggesting low confidence of management in future outlook. An equivalent amount of sales and repurchase of treasury stocks is also not good sign.

Loss Contingency for a Verdict Overturned on Appeal Essay

Accounting for a Loss Contingency for a Verdict Overturned on Appeal May 2007, W filed a claim against M for patent infringement. †¢ For the year ended December 31, 2007, management of M determined that a loss for this matter was probable and represented that the estimate of loss was in the range of $15 million to $20 million, with $17 million being the most likely amount of loss within the range. †¢ A jury trial took place in September 2009. †¢ The jury reached a verdict on September 24, 2009, and a judgment was ordered in favor of W. The judgment required M to pay W $18.5 million. †¢ In November 2009, M filed a Notice of Appeal with the Court of Appeals. †¢ In December 2010, the Court of Appeals issued a ruling in favor of M’s appeal and reversed the lower court’s ruling on the matter. This meant that the Court of Appeals overturned the jury verdict and the $18.5 million judgment against M. †¢ On January 6, 2011, W filed a petition for a re-hearing before the same panel of appellate judges against the reversal of ruling by Court of Appeals. †¢ On February 10, 2011, the appellate judges declined the petition for a re-hearing. †¢ On February 28, 2011, management of M determined this matter was closed upon discussions with in-house legal counsel. Required: 1. For the year-end December 31, 2007, financial statements, what amount should M record as a liability? 2. For the year-end December 31, 2009, financial statements, should M adjust its liability? If so, what amount should be recorded; and should the amount of the adjustment be considered a 2009 event or a prior period adjustment? 3. Should M record the reduction of the previously recorded loss contingency

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Man On The Moon Essay Essay

In the 1900’s space flight was just a topic of the future. But on June 20th, 1969 the US successfully landed a crew of men on the surface of the moon. The moon landing, Apollo 11 is considered one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of mankind. The purpose of the moon mission was to beat the Soviet Union in the space race which president at the time, John F. Kennedy made sure of. With the Soviets attempting to reach the moon USA’s finest scientists got together and through NASA accomplished this amazing achievement. To many the moon landing may not seem like a great accomplishment but in all reality it was the beginning of a whole new era of technology that allowed us to be one step closer to future technology. ( / Apollo 11 First Men on the Moon) The US was the first to ever send a man to the moon and bring him back successfully, but what really triggered the â€Å"Space War† was the fact that Soviets had already sent 2 spaceships in space and one which landed on the moon, 10 years prior to Apollo 11. While the war with the Soviets was still happening and talk of nuclear warfare was being tossed around American leaders wanted to show the world what they could do. The United States were trailing the Soviets in space developments and Cold War-era America allowed JFK to attempt his proposal of landing a man on the moon. It took a team of NASA scientists and engineers 5 years to test the first unmanned Apollo mission. ( / Apollo 11) January 1967, NASA was in testing of their 7th Apollo mission, Apollo 7. This mission ended tragically when a fire broke out during a manned launch test that killed three astronauts. Although the Apollo 7 tragedy was a setback NASA still fought on and in October of 1968 they launched the first manned mission, which orbited Earth. After Apollo 7 there were another three manned missions to test all the technology needed for the lunar landing. Finally, 9 years after JFK’s proposal Apollo 11 was ready for launch. The crew of astronauts on this mission was, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Once the space shuttle took off it traveled 240,000 miles in 72 hours. The men orbited around the moon for a day and then Armstrong and Aldrin got into the lunar module named â€Å"Eagle† and began their decent to the surface of the moon. Once on the surface Armstrong radioed back to NASA saying a famous message, â€Å"The  Eagle has landed.† With millions of people listening to the Lunar Mission, Armstrong began his decent out of the lunar module and spoke his famous quote, â€Å"That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.† After collecting moon rocks and taking photos of the moon, also planting the American flag the astronauts mission was complete. The mission was a success and the men traveled back to Earth. USA had successfully landed a man on the moon and returned h im safely, beating the Soviets in the Space Race. ( / Apollo 11 Mission) Of course the moon landing did not help defeat the USA’s enemies in the war but what it did do was bring a new belief to all Americans and also the world. What the moon landing did was set off a new era of technology, which would help in all aspects of life or study in the following years to come. The astronauts brought back moons rocks which scientist studied and gave them never before seen data about our moon. Also this moon landing showed the world the real potential of man and that anything is possible with hard work and belief. The moon landing was literally turning science fiction into reality and also giving Americans something to feel proud about. It made men like Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin legends in their own time being the first men to ever walk on the moon and setting a very high bar for all other competitors. America finally showed its worth against the Soviets and proved that one of the most famous presidents (Kennedy) was right for believing in America. (www / 10 Reasons Apollo 11 Was Awesome) When talking about an event that has changed humanity one topic for sure has to be the Apollo 11 moon landing. It did not only advance technology but also helped change the world. With millions of people tuning in for the mission all over the world people were being amazed with what was being accomplished. Even after all these years it is still an amazing feeling knowing that we as humans have advanced our technology so much to the point where we can not only leave our own planet but also return. I believe you don’t have to be a science nerd to appreciate Apollo 11, because it was not meant for just a certain type of person it was meant to touch everyone’s hearts in someway and give them new standards in life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Rights associated with land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Rights associated with land - Essay Example Fishing rights in England and Scotland are private as opposed to public rights in USA, while water rights follow a riparian system in the UK and USA, except the western states where an appropriation system is used. Mineral Rights are provided to property owners who may have the right to allocate subsurface rights to other parties, but in England and Scotland the rights to precious and energy minerals rests with the Crown, while rights of ownership to other minerals may also rest with community bodies. Mineral Rights: In Scotland, land ownership is based on a feudal system whereby the owner or feuar was subjected to title conditions with reservations of mineral rights. Under the feudal system, previous owners of property known as feudal superiors, retained rights over the land even after it was sold, together with the right to enforce title conditions. ( This system was recently abolished under the Abolition of Feudal Tenure (Scotland) Act 2000, however despite the abolition of the system, a reservation of mineral rights in the feudal title still remains valid. As a result, it may restrict the mineral rights of owners of property. The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 provides communities and crofts with the pre-emptive rights to acquire mineral rights, with the exception of oil, gas, coal, gold or silver.( The ownership of the rights to precious and energy minerals is vested in the Government. Throughout the U.K, mineral rights to gold and silver are owned by the Crown and the mines of these metals are known as mines royal.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The drivers of Taiwan's economic growth between 1949-1990 Thesis

The drivers of Taiwan's economic growth between 1949-1990 - Thesis Example There was nothing supernatural about them. These include the reason for the US aid, the training of the workers for the German optical lens factory and the infrastructure development by Japan to support its war efforts. In addition to these existing benefits, the decisions and actions of the policy makers fetched the unexpected results. While they formulated the policies they themselves were unsure of the consequences. Reforms were made in every sector and most importantly the policies were reviewed with changes in the business environment. Government intervention was gradually reduced as the economy matured. However, two factors that developing nations should be cautious of, include environmental degradation that comes with economic growth and unhealthy nationalism. Besides, it is not possible to replicate the strategy that Taiwan followed as not every country has the same endowments such as natural resources and human capital. Taiwan could experience growth because of the endogenou s factors. Local factors have tremendous influence on growth and progress and this is evident from the case of Taiwan. The study concludes that the economic growth in Taiwan was the unintended result of innumerable efforts. Table of Contents CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation for the study 2 1.3 Research aims and Objectives 3 1.4 Organization of the study 3 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Economic Growth Theories and models 5 2.3 Economic and Social Growth relationship 8 2.4 Social Capital 8 2.5 Measures of Progress 9 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 11 3.1 Research Philosophy 11 3.2 Research Phenomenon 11 3.3 Research Design 11 3.4 Research Strategy 12 3.5 Justification for use of Secondary Data 13 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS 15 4.1 Role of Chiang Kai-shek and KMT 15 4.2 Factors of Growth 15 4.3 Stages of development 16 4.4 Land reforms 17 4.5 Export-led growth 18 4.6 Government intervention 19 4.7 Financial reforms 20 4.8 Existing technology 20 4. 9 Supporting the Private Sector 21 4.10 Educational reforms 22 4.11 Foreign aid 23 4.12 Infra structure development 23 4.13 Miracle or unintended results of human efforts 25 4.14 Lessons for Developing Nations 26 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS 29 5.1 Conclusion 29 5.2 Recommendations 31 References 32 Tables and Figures Figure: 2.1 Stages of Modernization 7 Table 4.1 Measurement of Economic Performance 25 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Economy and society are interlinked; the growth of a nation or its economy depends upon the political factors but more importantly the social factors. This is because the society or the people of the society form the regulations and the strategies, which are again based on the demands of the common people, on the needs of the society and on the growth prospects of the nation. In other words, economic growth impacts the society in every respect. This has been endorsed by Blair and Carroll (2008) that social relationships networks can shap e local economies. The societal factors can be held responsible for the closure of plants and manufacturing units in one region and opening of some units in another region. Again, if the economy is not doing well, unemployment rises which forces people to migrate to other regions. The regions where these people migrate need manpower because they have shortage of unskilled labor or they prefer to employ cheap migrant labor. Hence, in all

Technical and Cost or Price Evaluations and Price Reasonableness Research Paper

Technical and Cost or Price Evaluations and Price Reasonableness - Research Paper Example This aspect is anchored in the construction company’s policy framework given the benefits which accrue from practicing transparency within the firm. This takes the form of corporate social responsibility at a firm’s level. At the individual level, each person at within the organization is expected to uphold justice, integrity and workplace etiquette. According to American Society of Civil Engineers (2012), the application of fairness and integrity during the technical evaluation results in successful project completion. Integrity is an ethical aspect, which both the natural and corporate persons ought to practice in technical evaluation. This virtue incorporates many ethical values; hence it is a pillar in any successful firm. In fact, most organizations maintain high standards of ethics in the society in order to remain relevant and to enhance the organization’s going concern. Ethical compliance organizational and financial prowess often propels organizations to great heights in business performance. This will help in the achievement of the goals; the returns of firms increase and the shareholder wealth will be created with ease. Technical evaluation and the factors used to determine the competitive range Technical evaluation influences many factors, which determine the competitive range of a particular contract. ... The compliance to fairness, justice and integrity during project evaluation depends on the leaders holding the whims of power. All stakeholders focus on the actions and demeanor of their leader. According to Hansen& Zenobia (2011), technical evaluation enables a company to have a competitive advantage. This has been operating efficiently due to strategic operation management. The technical evaluation culminates in the achievement of a competitive advantage due to the customization of contract services. Technical evaluation culminates in the competitive advantage of a contractor. The market forces determine the prices of contract services in the market. Free trade is not appropriate for developing countries. This is because free trade will make the contractors for the poor to compete internationally with the stable companies. This will further impoverish these companies. Sears, Sears & Clough (2010) assert that regulation in the market may be equal but the financial and economic capab ilities of these companies vary. In the absence of government intervention in the private sector often low income countries, which majorly constitutes of small-scale companies and farmers, will lose their production of the stable international companies. The creation of wealth starts from the protection of the little wealth a nation or individual owns. Trevin?o & Nelson (2011) further posit that free trade results in the flow of skilled workforce from the poor countries to the rich nations because of favorable remuneration. In this regard, the free trade exposes the poor nations to exploitation because foreign investment in poorer countries will deprive the poor of income. Services delivered by the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Master of Business Administration Personal Statement

Master of Business Administration - Personal Statement Example For deals worth more than three million dollars, I work with a team in order to come up with proposals and pricing strategies. All of the opportunities that I handle are highly competitive. My company is in the commodity business. This means that prices are the deciding factor whether we achieve deals or lose them. The role I play in the company is vital. When I bid on an opportunity, finding the right price is crucial to winning business. It is important to find the line between a low enough price to win business and a price high enough to make a profit. Personal accountability in this field is the only way to achieve positive results. It is imperative to remember while going after new business, that one must also retain current customers. The competitive personal computer market needs employees that inspire customer loyalty. This makes retaining customers a top priority for me. It is my goal to generate good relations with new customers, while maintaining the same constructive relationship with current customers. This aspiration sometimes can be tedious, but I work hard to accomplish this objective. A long term intention is to use my sales and marketing experience to pursue a career in product management. While I am comfortable with numbers, working with product management would be more fulfilling.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Urban economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Urban economy - Assignment Example The buildings are taller to make use of space and accommodate the main businesses that give the city its developmental characteristic. Gas price determines the construction rate of city structures, a high price less development and vice versa (Florida & Mellander, 2014). Rising incomes have a direct proportionality effect on cities because the development will be focused to assist the well-being of the income earners. Land prices take long because of the economic speculation that is linked to profitability of the land. Sprawl is considered a market where decision makers have direct impact to the spatial growth of the city. Consumer locational equilibrium is the ability for the consumer to embed owns preference over distance distribution cost when choosing to consume a product. Compensation differential is a state offered wage to offset the balance between a preferred and un-preferred job. Terminal cost is the cost incurred when disposing the asset (Florida & Mellander, 2014). Externality damage is unwanted cost to the least expected party. Scale economy is the advantages that in terms of cost cutting that establishment stand to gain due to magnitude of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Nursing ethical dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nursing ethical dilemma - Essay Example Such scenarios make it necessary to study the ethical dilemmas faced by nurses to avoiding getting in trouble. Nurses ought to have moral concepts that would ensure that they provide care that is correct, rational and good. Nurses are obliged to give their patients the chance to express their feeling and choose the way they want nurses to serve them. Decision-making and science are the rationales under which ethical nursing care is based on. The essay focuses on two moral dilemmas that are common with practicing nurses in their daily activities. The essay relates the two ethical dilemmas faced by nurses to a particular moral principle that nurses should possess. Nurses are guided by a set code of ethics, which are meant to guide nurses on their actions and help to help solve moral dilemmas. The second part of the essay after the introduction part deals with the first ethical dilemma and the moral principle that relates to the dilemma. The third part of the essay tackles the second dilemma and just like the second part, the section also discusses the ethical principle under which the dilemma falls under. Conclusion is the final part of the paper, and this is where the major points in the essay are put in a clearer perspective. Nurses have reported cases of having to deal with patients who exercise their rights to say no to any directives given to them by nurses. Patients with Anorexia, an eating disorder that is becoming common refuse to take food given to them by nurses as the condition makes an individual detest eating. Patients suffering from the disease fail to eat any food provided to them by nurses and in the process, their body starts consuming itself damaging the patients health. Such an issue raises questions such as how nurses deal with patients who refuse to eat even if eating is imperative for them getting better. Another question on nurses’ mind is the motive behind such a patient’s decision of not

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The ABCs of Aphorisms in Kindergarten Essay Example for Free

The ABCs of Aphorisms in Kindergarten Essay An aphorism is a short statement expressing a truth or clever observation. Benjamin Franklin and Robert Fulghum both used aphorisms in things they have written. Ben Franklins Poor Richards Almanac uses aphorisms in a more literal way. However, Robert Fulghum uses his aphorisms in a more metaphorical way. Although the two are different, both writers have the same type of ideas on how to morally live your life. Living a balanced life is an aphorism used by Franklin and Fulghum. Although used in different context and in a slightly different way, they mean the same thing no matter who uses it. In Fulghums aphorism he says, Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and paint and draw and sing and dance and play and work everyday some. Being simpler in his words yet not in his meaning makes this an interesting aphorism. Also being a little more direct and straight to the point are Franklins words, Eat to live and not live to eat. In spite of the fact that Franklins definition may seem simpler, they are in fact saying the same thing only wording it differently. Both aphorisms mean that one must balance themselves and that you must do everything in moderation and never to excess. Taking a slightly different approach, both men got there message across in an clear and precise manner. A metaphor can be described as a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity. On the contrary, a literary term is one that can be described as very clear and one that expresses emphasis on a topic. Robert Fulghum being a more metaphorical writer, wrote his aphorisms in such a way that they seemed almost too simple to have a deeper meaning. However, that was quite the opposite. The aphorisms were meant to be that way; they were supposed to have a deeper meaning that wasnt available to someone looking at the surface writing. While, in great contrast, Benjamin Franklin wrote his aphorisms with such literal depth that it shone right through his work. Every aphorism of his has a meaning inside of a meaning. Neither of these styles were better, nor worse then the other, yet they both were productive ways of using aphorisms. Using both methods of credible writing, these two terrific men and writers are inspirational and influential in their examples of aphorisms. I personally, prefer Robert Fulghums style of writing to, Benjamin Franklins. I like looking into a statement and pulling it apart to find out what it is truly saying, and Fulghums writing exemplifies that quality in his aphorisms. I respect both styles of aphorism usage, and I think that both, literally and metaphorically, are equally interesting and are helpful incites to our lives. Aphorisms are a much more appealing way to learn about how one views their life and how they view everyone elses life as well.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Aggression And Coping Strategies Psychology Essay

Aggression And Coping Strategies Psychology Essay This study has explored links between emotional intelligence, aggression level and coping strategies, as well as the variables contribute during students academic life. In this study, it is sought to hypostasise three variables (1) students with low Emotional Intelligence level will have a prediction of higher level of Aggression (2) students with higher level of Aggression have effective Coping Strategies and (3) there will be a relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Coping Strategies. It will be investigated to calculate the level of students academic performances amongst undergraduate university. This study focuses on ways to measure the participants emotional intelligence, level of aggression and preventative measures to coping strategies. The results gave a reason to understand why the university of Bedfordshire students are affected by low emotional intelligence level and high level of aggression. A sample of 77 undergraduates university students participated in this s tudy. This study met these triplets research aims through an extensive study of relevant literature and the implementation of practical research. The latter was carried out through a correlation study using three types of self report questionnaires measuring the participants emotional intelligence (TEIQue-SF Questionnaire), level of aggression (Buss and Perry, 1992, Aggression questionnaire) and coping strategies (Psychology department project 2006 Attitudes, coping, control and psychological well-being questionnaire. The SPSS programme carried out the data analysis findings. Furthermore, the findings had shown a two positive outcome; hypothesis 1 was supported, hypothesis 2 was not supported and hypothesis 3 was supported. The main conclusion drawn from this research were that current approaches to.. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Aggression, Coping, Coping Strategies, Measure 2. Introduction For many years the study of intelligence and emotions has been focused mainly on the adaptive use of cognition (Wechsler, 1939 Piaget, 1972). In the recent years it has been suggested there have been more encompassing approaches to understanding intelligence (Gardner, 1984 Sternberg, 1988). Everyone is unique as we all behave and react differently to events. Our intelligence and emotions can be defined as a complex state of feelings that result in the physical and psychological changes that influence thought and behaviour. There are many theories which attempt to understand why we experience emotions. Individuals experience many emotional states that can affect our behaviour or how individuals might respond to a situation which may include, anger, kindness, fear, admiration and are all emotional states that you may respond to events. The James-Lange theory of emotion (1920) argues that different events cause physiological arousal then individuals interpret this arousal. After the interpretation of the arousal one can experience emotions. If the arousal is not noticed then one will not experience any emotions based on the event. For example, one is walking down the alley way in the dark and hears footsteps behind and one begins to tremble and heart beats faster and ones breathing deepens. These physiological changes are interpreted as ones bodys preparation for a fearful situation. One is experiencing fear. Likewise, Cannon-Bard theory (1927) argues that one experiences physiological arousal and an emotion at the same time but gives no attention to the role of thoughts or outward behaviours. Using the example above his theory starts from; one is walking down the alley way in the dark and hears footsteps behind and begins to tremble, your heart beats faster and ones breathing deepens. At the same time as these physiological changes occur one can also experience the emotion of fear. Mayer and Salovey (1990) who first used the term Emotions and intelligence they both formulated a model of emotional intelligence. They defined the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions to guide ones thinking and behaviour. They also provided a demonstration of how an aspect of emotional intelligence could be measured as a mental ability (Mayer, DiPaolo Salovey, 1990). Furthermore, to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others emotional intelligence (EI) is a useful strategy to evaluate emotions. EI includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge; we define emotional intelligence as the power to reason about emotions. (Mayer Salovey, 1957). It has been previously hypothesised that life successes can be attributed to emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1995). Emotional intelligence levels have been correlated with a myriad of benefits and negative or positive life outcomes. Advantages include the high levels of happiness, well-being and health better academic performances and an increased ability to cope with changes (Qualter, 2007). The advanced emotional abilities show a lower stress level, fewer signs of aggression, and demonstrate a smaller likelihood of drug and alcohol uses. If one has a high emotional intelligence you are able to recognise your own emotional state and the emotional state of others and engage with people in a way that draws them to you. This can aid forming a healthier relationship, and attain greater success at work, and lead to a more fulfilling life. Levels of emotional intelligence have been demonstrated to be beneficial. Low levels have been of emotional intelligence create recognizable deficits (Goleman, 1996). However, if someone with a low emotional intelligence level has never really had anyone to talk through their emotions with, individuals generally wouldnt know how to deal with their emotions and they may come to a rage such as signs of aggression, drinking, using drugs, weak academic performances etc, when they are going down in life or show the ability of stress. Low emotional intelligence tends to have a hard time understanding situations from the outlook of others and will also tend to be less sympathetic (Henley Long, 1999). Recent studies have been investigated by Hannah Jean Moskat Katelyn Marie Sorensen (2012), investigation of Emotional Intelligence and Aggression predicted Juvenile offense. They emphasised the nature of emotional intelligence; their study sought to test the relationship between emotional intelligence and aggression in the context of juvenile delinquency. It was predicted that EI would be negatively correlated with aggression, and also relate it to sex and offense type. The participants were tested using the Bar-On EQI: YV (S) and the Aggression Questionnaire to measure their emotional intelligence and aggression levels. The overall results found that lower emotional intelligence levels were correlated with higher aggression levels. They also found that a low emotional intelligence level was correlated with higher aggression scores and that participants scored the highest in physical aggression. It was discussed in terms of aggression preventions programmes like the rehabilitation f or the youth offenders. Moreover, previous psychological studies that have been undertaken in the previous years studied by Andrew. W. Johnson (2003), study was based on a correlation study of emotional intelligence and aggression within adolescents. He investigated how the relationship was linked to each variable, and how aggression effected there emotional intelligence level. Overall, the results clearly showed how the females had a high level of emotional intelligence due to less aggression and how males scored high on aggression. Kartika Aprillia Ritandiyono (2007) also investigated the relationship on emotional intelligence and aggression. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and aggression in adults behaviour. Results from the study have shown that a scale of emotional intelligence showed it had a negative hypothesis. Coping and Stress In the terms of coping, is defined as trying to reduce the consequences of stress. There are several different ways in which coping is applied, which can be caused by many negative emotions like stress, anger etc. Coping is described as a cognitive and behavioural response to a stressful situation. It can overcome with high demands and critical events that pose a loss, harm, threat, loss, or challenge to a person. (Lazarus, 1991) Coping responses (thoughts, feelings and actions) deals with problematic situations that are normally encountered in everyday life with particular circumstances, Sometimes problems are solved and sometimes they are ignored in an individuals attempt to deal with the environment. Thus an examination of the ways in which people may cope with stresses and concerns provides a means of understanding their stress and concerns which might affect their behaviour. The procedure of determining how people deal with their stress in daily life involves the observation of behaviour through the reporting by self or others. By far the most common what to determine how people cope is to ask them to report, by filling out a questionnaire, what is it they do it to ask them to describe in interviews or written text. There are many ways of coping with stress; the effectiveness really depends on the type of stressors, the individual and the circumstances. For example, if you think about how your friends deal with stressors like exams you will see a range of different coping responses. Some people will pace around or tell you how worried they are or others will revise or ask their teachers for clues. This topic was introduced by Lazarus in 1984. Moreover, Lazaruss Transactional model takes to an account of the dynamic nature of human behaviour. This model emphasises between the stress experience and respondent to the environment. The model proposes that individuals can be taught to manage their stress and cope with their stressors. They may learn to change their perspective of the stressor and provide them with ability and confidence to improve their everyday life and have the ability to handle all types of stressors. Overall this has results for support for a conceptualisation of coping that has emerged from Richard and Lazarus and the Berkeley group. Each individual will have different coping responses, especially dealing with low level of emotional intelligence. Moreover, to reduce the level of low emotional intelligence (including anger), coping strategies help one to increase the negative emotions. It refers thoughts and actions we may use to deal with threatening situation. For example, when youre going through high level of aggression, you may be recommended to anger management or counselling therapy. This current study will evaluate students coping strategies that may help to indicate the low level of emotional intelligence and aggression. Additionally, this current study focuses on the high and low level of emotional intelligence, which may lead to aggression, as predicted. Hence this might be one of the reasons for low emotional intelligence level. Emotional intelligence is often measured by self-report and psychological testing. David Wechsler (1940) described the influence on intelligent behaviour and argued that our models of intelligence would not be completed until we can effectively describe these factors. Self report will be used in this study to measure the level of emotional intelligence and level of aggression, along with coping strategies evaluation to support both of the variables. There have been recent researchers that have proven Students with higher levels of emotional intelligence achieve more academically. There have been a recent study based on undergraduate students who are taking information technology studies, the study measured how well students in computer science and information defined as the ability of perceived, positively influenced personal and others emotions. The researchers examined the effects of these intrapersonal factors on their academic grades. Six hundred undergraduate students participated in the study; which was based on a series of questionnaires designed to measure coping strategies and levels of emotional intelligence. It was found that students emotional intelligence was not directly linked to academic success, students with higher levels of emotional intelligence had more self confidence and knowledge that can handle any problems (including frustration, stress etc) and that having more self-efficacy in improving their academic performances. Coping IV and DV research? There have been previous research studies indicating the coping strategies method is a dependant variable. Aggression In the term of Aggression it refers to a range of behaviours that can give a result to both physical and psychological harm to one, even in the environment. The expression of aggression can occur in a number of ways which can be verbal, emotional, physical or mental. (Baron, Richardson, 1994) The act of aggression behaviour has been a huge part of human society from the day we were born and even yet still today plays a role in our society and our lives. Whether it is at a rugby or boxing match competing with one another, on the streets with riots between rival teams, or in another country altogether fighting terrorist threats there is no doubt that aggression is such a prevalent part of our society. It is important for psychologists to study the cognitive processes involved in greater detail as is a huge role in our lives. Psychologists have been interested in problems of aggression, they have been focused on the assessment of conditions leading to the performance of aggressive behaviour. Social behaviour can be one of the influences around each other such as peer pressure, copying individuals behaviour and thinking its alright to act like that. Buss .. Albert Bandura (1977) stated that social behaviour is learnt through by observing and imitating actions by other. She looked at the way individuals behave to certain situations. According to her theory by being rewarded or punish for negative actions. For example if a child sees his older sister bring home a good report and gets a reward, the child may observe this and sees the older sister gets rewarded then the child will learn being good will get you rewarded so they should do it to. Banduras social learning theory (1977) refers to aggression acts. Bandura looked at the theory of operant conditioning, as well as Skinner (1953), if behaviour is rewarded it will positively reinforce behaviour therefore making it more likely to be repeated again. On the other hand of the scale shows if behaviour is punished it will negatively reinforce that behaviour making it less likely to occur in the future. From this study Bandura proposed that a persons aggressive behaviour in a given context is predicted by their previous experiences with their own and others peoples aggressive behaviour. (Albert, 2004) A classic example of this theory was known as the Bobo doll experiment also by Bandura. This experiment reflected on children watching a video of an adult either being aggressive or non aggressive to a bobo doll. After they have watched the video, the children were then put in a room with a bobo doll and observations were made how they would react. Before the children saw the Bobo doll the frustration in the child was intentionally built by showing them toys that they were not permitted to play with. in result, when the children were put in the room with the bobo doll it was discovered that children who saw the aggressive behaviour reproduced the same aggression the model had shown on the doll. In contrast children in the non aggressive condition displayed no aggressive signs towards the doll. This experiment showed that children were very easily influenced to copy others. (Martin, Carlson Buskit, 2010) Aggression may not occur in a vacuum, there are many situational factors that may influence aggression. There is evidence regarding the importance of situational factors in predicting aggressive behaviour which may apply to university students. Frustration: There are some typical responses to frustration especially during the hard times which may include the environment of being stressed and always intense maybe in your workplace, at home, or during your university life. Frustration includes anger, loss of self esteem, depression, stress or self-confidence. As we are focused more on aggression in university students, anger and aggression is expressed towards the object perceived as the cause of frustration. For example, you might have an assignment deadline within two days and yet havent started it, the feeling of being really frustrated and you start to show signs of aggression to others or if your laptop doesnt work you might hit the laptop for it to work. If someone gets in your way, you could verbally threaten them or push them on aside. Frustration is powerful for direct aggression, displaced aggression is often used. Someone angry often acts without thinking. In 1939, University from Yale researchers published a report on frustration and aggression, the theory has been influenced by Freuds theory. The authors, (Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mowrer, Sears, 1939) proposed that aggression was due to frustration, frustration plays a big role in aggression and the development of aggression starts from frustration. The frustration-aggression theory study states that aggression is caused by frustration. When someone is prevented from reaching their ambition or goal they become frustrated. This frustration can then turn into aggression when something triggers it. For example, if you fail in your final exam you will definitely become frustrated. But if someone randomly told you youre such a loser, just to put your confidence down so you dont pass your exam, then in that case your frustration will turn into aggression. When people perceive that they are being prevented from achieving a goal, their frustration will result in aggression. The closer you get to your goal, the greater the frustration you get by being held back. An unexpected occurrence of frustration may also increase the likelihood of aggression. (Barker, Dembo Lewin, 1941) Factors generally associate with aggressive behaviour and alcohol-related aggression from the age of 12-18 years (Helene Raskin White, John Brick, Stephen Hansell, 1993) Alcohol: substances such as alcohol play a part to an increase in anti-social aggressiveness in people. It is thought that the lowering of inhibitions may result in an increase in aggressive levels. Alcohol is coming from university party life; researchers have shown that alcohol consumption can make people more prone to social influence while also being less able to think through the consequences of their own actions for themselves or other people. Combining results in a large increase in the likelihood of committing aggressive acts especially when drinking in groups which will glorify aggressive acts. Alcohol intoxication is involved in at least 50% of all violent crimes. (Bushman Cooper, 1990) Other factors that might associate with aggression could be; Aggressive cues: students that may own weapons for many reasons, including self-defence or sporting events (e.g., hunting). Yet simply being in the presences of weapons has enough influence to increase aggressive behaviour, (Berkowitz LePage, 1967). Maybe living out for university and being alone and for them to keep weapons might be a safe option for self defence. There have been recent events that university students are getting robbed, or attacked when there on their own. Intangible entities (e.g., bad odors, noise): many times students experience being unpleasant due to intangible entities, such as bad odors and loud noises. Although people cant really behave aggressively towards these intangible entities, triggers can increase aggression. For example as a student you are working on an assignment or reading a book, there are other people making loud noise and you cant concentrate and it carries on for days, this may increase your level of aggression frustration and anger about the situation. When people feel a lack of control over the noise they tend to behave quite aggressively (Green McCrown, 1984). These factors may affect the academic level of education for most students. The aggression literature has a set of rich theoretical perspectives, the aggression theories have offered frameworks from which a hypothesis regarding the causes and consequences of aggression could be tested. Each theory is distinctly more likely to contain several theories that share a considerable degree of overlap. The aggression theories have been reviewed in order to understand how aggression may be formulated. Coping with aggression Learning how to control your aggression will allow you to be more successful in your academic life, stay healthy and happy and help you get most out of your life. Many researchers feel that aggression is one of the strongest predictors of anti-social behaviour. Interestingly, some researchers believe as youths grow older they will learn how to control their anger. Regardless, learning and practicing productive and healthy coping strategies is a good idea. An inability to cope with stress, disappointment, and difficulty can affect your life in many negative ways. Being an adult can be very stressful like physical changes in your body, academic demands, peer pressure, learning how to deal with gangs, family issues, concerns about your future may become stressors and can lead to negative effects. Learning how to deal and control your negative emotions and behaviour and take responsibility for them is a lifelong process. According to Berkowitzs Cognitive Neo-association Theory (1989, 1990) he proposed that an event such as frustrations, loud noises, and provocation, produces negative effects. The negative effect produced by unpleasant experiences automatically stimulates various thoughts, expressive motor reactions, memories, flight and fight tendencies. The fight associations may give rise to undeveloped feelings of anger, whereas the flight associations give a rise to undeveloped feelings of fear. This theory reflects back to the frustration-aggression theory, its been assumed that signs of aggression have been associated to be in response by triggered events, which may give the thoughts, memories, psychological effects due to the events. Moreover, successful coping may involve many strategies; problem solving, positive thinking, logical thinking, social support, or seeking professional help. People cope differently, what work for one person may not always work best for the other, most effective strategy for someone else. Your method for coping may be very according to the situation. You may handle it differently when youre at home and when youre at school. Professional help like counselling, anger management group, and group talk can help you reduce aggression levels. Rationale The rationale of the study is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and aggression and coping strategies among undergraduate university students. This study will examine their emotional intelligence and level of aggression and to see if there is a link between the effect of coping strategies and emotional intelligence and aggression. The outcome of the study aims is to calculate students emotional intelligence and aggression level and being correlated to high level of aggression. Statistically, in the results section it will show my prediction was significant then relevant programmes can be used to facilitate and develop students emotions and low level of aggression. The study is guided by three research questions; Firstly, students with low emotional intelligence level will have a higher level of aggression. Secondly, students with high level of aggression have effective coping strategies. Third, there will be a correlation relationship between emotional intelligence and coping strategies. 3. Methodology 3.1 Design The design thats going to be used is an independent measure which will have a non-parametric data, there is one Independent Variables (IV) which is Emotional intelligence (EI), and two Dependent Variable (DV) which are Aggression scores and Coping Strategies. This will be a correlation design as I will be comparing the three variables. 3.2 Participants Questionnaire data were collected by seventy seven volunteer participants. Opportunity sampling will be used in this study amongst Undergraduates Students in University of Bedfordshire. In total the complete sample comprised of seventy seven students of who were 39 females and 38 males, the age range was from 18 to 40 year olds (M= and SD = 4.11809). Participants attended a number of fields of studies with different courses. 3.3 Materials Measures; self report measurement of participants own emotions and behaviour, there will be three type of self-report questionnaires (see in appendices)- (1) Emotional Intelligence (TEIQue-SF Questionnaire) (appendix 1) This questionnaire form contains 30 item based questions which are designed to measure overall trait emotional intelligence. It is based on the full form of the TEIQue. It uses a 7 point scale for the items from 0-7 to evaluate ones emotions. (Petrides Furnham, 2006) (2) Level of aggression (Buss and Perry, 1992, Aggression questionnaire) (appendix 2) The Buss and Perry (1992) questionnaire has 29 items based on a self-report aggression questionnaire, where the participants rank certain statements along with a 5 point scale from extremely uncharacteristic of me to extremely characteristic of me. The scores are normalized on a scale of 0-1 with 1 being the highest level of aggression. Participants will be responding to statements like When frustrated, I let my irritation show. In the end, the questionnaire scores have 4 dimensions of aggression levels; physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger or hostility. (Buss and Durkee, 1957) (3) Coping Strategies (Psychology department project 2006 Attitudes, coping, control and psychological well-being questionnaire) (appendix 3) This questionnaire is based on six sub-scales about the participants psychological well being, attitudes, and childhood experience. Its a multidimensional scale for evaluating general coping styles. Coping with life problems The first survey is based on psychological wellbeing the questions are concerned with how you generally cope with problems in your life. Questions that had been asked were how do you generally cope with real life problems and the participant will be rating the scale from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always). Degree of control or influence you have over your life The second survey is asked about the participants degree of control or influence you have over your life the rating scale is from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). Family events which may have been encountered in childhood The next survey is asked a number of questions concerning family events which may have been encountered in childhood which the participant may have experienced. The rating scale is from 1 (Never) to 5 (Very often). Hospital anxiety and depression Moreover, the next survey is based on hospital anxiety and depression statements, the participant are asked I feel tense or wound following statements like most of the time or a lot of the time. Each question has different statements. Views people hold about Themselves Furthermore, the next survey is asked views people hold about themselves which may best represent the participant. The rating scale is lead to a 1 (Almost never) to 4 (almost always). Thinking style questionnaire Lastly, the last survey is asking how the participants thinking styles reflect on their attitude or belief which people sometime hold. The participants is asked to rate the scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree). The questionnaires will take at least 15-20mintues. The overall results will be indicative towards my predicted hypotheses. 3.4 Procedure Participants who are involved in the study will be volunteers; I will be selecting at random within the university and ask if they would participate in the study which will be carried out, they will be told what the study was about and have to read the brief overview of the study on the consent form. Before the participants continue they will be asked to tick all boxes on the consent form to show they understand the information which will be provided and if they dont understand any information regarding the study they will be able to ask before participating. I will explain to the participants that they will be able to withdraw from the experiment at any time and it was reinforced on the consent form which participants have to sign, date and state their gender and age before answering the questionnaire. The participants then will answer the questionnaire and will permit me to carry out the interpretations of the scores and they will be thanked for taking time out to help with the stu dy. Participants will be aware before the study takes place there would be no need for a follow up regarding this study. Participants will not be debriefed but thanked again for their participation. Before conducting research, ethics will also taken into consideration, each participant will not in any way be harmed and will be fully explained what the experiment is going to be about. All participants will have the choice to withdraw from the research at any time and also have the choice to decline to answer any question although this would mean a termination of their participation. 3.5 Ethics The BPS ethical guideline will be a consideration to the study, a lot of data will be used including the three questionnaires, valuable data is collected, and you need to ensure that participators give you permission to use the data part of a research before ensuring you are taking actions to the ethical issues like; Confidentially- results should only be shared between participants and the researcher Consent the participant about the study- I will have to gain consent from the participants before giving the questionnaires to them. Hide personal information- I have to hide any details about the participants due to the privacy regulation. Choice of withdrawal from the research at any time- it is entirely up to the participant if they feel they would like to stop the research study and withdraw. Responsibility to the participant such as giving them feedback if they consist for feedback by the end of the research- if the participant would like to know the results at the end of my research study I will leave them my email or contact details to get back to me or vice versa. Informed consent before the participant volunteers- a consent form will be given to them so they can sign the agreement form about willing to take part of the study without forcing them. (Appendix 4) 4. Results In this part of the research, the correlation between emotional intelligence, aggression and coping strategies for students in university were presented. The three hypothesis of the research was based if there will be a positive correlation between the three variables, in order to answer this sub-question the correlation data analysis was conducted in the research. For this purpose, the correlation between students emotional intelligence level, aggression level

Friday, September 20, 2019

Concepts and Definitions in Operational Management

Concepts and Definitions in Operational Management Question 1: Answer: OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT Operational management refers to managing the operations of an organization. Managing the operations means to manage the resources and follow the policies and procedures of any organization. The basic and most important operation of management is to process the inputs into outputs to get desired results. The meaning of operational management contains words i.e. resources, systems, conversion or transformation and outputs. (Business) These words can be explained as :- RESOURCESResources are the man, material and money in the organization. Man or staff is the major or key requirement in an organization. Material is also very important because without availability of material production cannot be possible. And money or capital is required for hiring staff and for purchasing the raw material so that the raw material can be converted into finished products through production. SYSTEMS There is a system which every company has to follow. Every organization has some policies and procedures which helps the organization to achieve their goals and helps in profit maximization. If the work done in an organization is according to the plan then it helps in attaining the goal of the company. Planning is the first and important step of management. Without planning no other function can be performed in an organization. CONVERSION Conversion means converted the inputs (i.e. the raw material) into outputs (i.e. finished goods). In an organization raw material can be converted into work in progress and then into finished goods. When the material is transformated from inputs to outputs then this process is known as productivity. OUTPUTS Outputs are the final results which each organization gets after conversion of inputs into finished products. If the value of outputs is greater than the cost of inputs used then we can say that the value is added to product hence the output helps in increasing profits of company. (outputs) THE STRATEGIC ROLE OF OPERATIONS :- CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONThe basic objective of operating systems is to satisfy the customers by giving them better products at low cost and by giving them better services than other companies . Consumers can be satisfied if the products are not too costly and available on time. (Understanding operations management) RESOURCE UTILISATIONAnother major objective of operating systems is to utilize resources for the satisfaction of customer wants effectively. Customer service must be provided with the achievement of effective operations through efficient use of resources. Inefficient use of resources or inadequate customer service leads to commercial failure of an operating system. EFFICIENCY Another objective of operational management is efficiency. Efficiency is must in every organization .Higher efficiency helps in less wastage of resources. If the resources are not wasted then it will lead to less per unit cost of production. Efficiency helps in specialization of staff. QUALITY Quality is also another important objective of operational management. Every customer wants a product which is very good in quality and also with less cost. Quality helps in satisfying the customers and if the customer is satisfied then effective relation can be build between consumers and organization. ADAPTABILITY if the quantity and quality of the product is upto the mark and also the price of the product is affordable then that product is survived in long run that means the product helps for future survival of the company. Question 2: Answer:   Production means step-by-step conversion of raw material into work in progress and from work in progress into finished goods. Production is an important and essential function of any organization. Without doing production no organization can survive or remain existing. CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTION SYSTEMProduction systems can be classified as Job-shop, Batch, Mass and Continuous production systems. Job-Shop Production: When only one product or a few quantity of products are manufactured and the product which are produced is as per the specification given by the customers then that type of production is known as Job shop production. (products-services) Advantages: It helps in availability of more variety of products. It helps in improving the skills of the employees. More creative ideas of employees can be used in this method of production system. Limitations More staff is required as the productiin is few. High time consumed in less production. Production planning is complicated. More wastage of resources resulting in higher per unit cost of production. Batch Production : When the production is done in lots or batches then this productionis known as batch production. In this type of production the lots are not producing continuously but in limited quantity. (production-system) Advantages Cost per unit is low. Batch production helps in job satisfaction.   It helps in better utilization of resources. It requires low investments for production as the production is not done in bulk quantity. Limitations Handling of material is very difficult. More material is required hence more wastage of resources. Mass Production : When the production is done in bulk quantity and continuous then that type of production is known as mass production. In this type of production the machines are arranged in a line. Advantages Per unit cost of every production is low. Less time is consumed in producing bulk quantity. With less material quantity higher production can be done. Mass production helps in less wastage of resources.   Limitations Mass production requires higher investments and resources. If the machine used in producing bulk quantity is damaged or breakdown then whole production line will be stopped. Continuous Production : When the production is done continuously   i.e. the production starts from using the raw material and ends with finished products. This type of production is done when the handling of material is fully automated. (continuous-production-system) Advantages Less time is consumed in producing more units. It helps in more utilization of available resources. It helps in less wastage of resources. Per unit cost is low in continuous production. Disadvantages It requires very high investment. If manufacturer want to do any change in any product then it is not posdible. Question 3: After critically evaluating the key operational levers, discuss which can be applied to management of service operations of Ryanair for the proactive management of customer experience. [ 15 Marks] Answer:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is a lever? levers are initiatives that a client can undertake in order to drive the desired impact.   There is usually a limitless number of things a company can consider trying in order to improve their business. (Industry week) Five key levers to productivity improvement every day There are Five key levers for every day improvement. These levers can be explained as : 1. Cost structure Cost structure is a method of determine how much it will cost a company to manufacture a product and how much profit will be recognized from manufacturing a product. It is very important to structure or manage the cost. So that the per unit cost of a product decreases and profit from that product increases. If the cost of the final output is more than the cost of the input then it can be said that the value is added to the product. 2. Organization of work In any organization if the working of the organization is according to the plans and policies then this also helps in better utilization of resources and helps in achieving of organizational goals. This helps in restructuring of an organization. (aggregate-sales-and-operations-planning) 3. Business processes Business process is a collection of related structured activities that produce a specific product for a particular customer. This lever contains work as a team and if the employees of the company are worked together without any chaos then it helps in improving the position of business because it is very important for every organization to work in cordinating with the employees. 4. Knowledge management Knowledge management means managing the knowledge and information of an organization. Knowledge management helps in improving the performance of the company. With this lever an organization can do more innovations results in providing better products to consumers than their competitives. It also helps in continuous improvement of the organization. 5. Information Technology (IT) It is the application of computers to store,study and manipulate the data or information of the business. Business need to take charge of this lever and starts IT in its process. IT helps in storing and saving the data or information of any enterprise and that information can be used whenever it is required. This will help in reducing paper work in the organization. CONCLUSION There are several levers which helps in improving everyday business works. These levers has to be integrated into business as soon as possible to drive the desired impact. These levers helps in achieving of organization objectives efficiently and effectively and improves the working of the organization. References aggregate-sales-and-operations-planning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Business. (n.d.). Retrieved from continuous-production-system. (n.d.). Retrieved from Industry week. (n.d.). Retrieved from outputs. (n.d.). Retrieved from production-system. (n.d.). Retrieved from products-services. (n.d.). Retrieved from Understanding operations management. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Education Versus Society Essay -- Learning Media Papers

Education Versus Society The relationship between an institute of higher learning and society is undoubtedly complicated, complicated because this relationship is based on diversity, and unfortunately diversity does not always equate to successful relationships. Today's society, specifically the diverse culture that makes up the United States, and institutes of higher learning continuously struggle to foster positive relationships because of conflicts that exist primarily due to issues of diversity. Issues such as defining what it means to be educated; and exploring how education can best meet the needs of a diverse society. Diversity is a force that people struggle against rather than using to enrich society's progress, contributions, and unity. In the articles "Learning in the Key of Life" by Jon Spayde and "Lives on the Boundary" by Mike Rose the relationships that exist, and should exist, between higher education and society is explored. Both articles argue that education needs to be open to all, encoura ging different contributions from all individuals. Both Rose and Spayde question a traditional approach to education because of the exclusionary nature that often ensues. It is common for individuals to view the world of higher education as elitist and impractical, resulting in many students being unable to relate to many aspects of the college and/or university learning environment. Rose and Spayde both point the finger at higher education stating that students graduate without being able to function in the real world, are discouraged from applying their personal experiences to learning, and are learning material that is impossible to relate to. The word democratic means, in simple terms, social equality. Mike Rose sugg... ...ggest that society and educational institutes collectively embrace diversity. Education should reflect society by promoting teaching and learning that is nonexclusionary, practical, and responsive to changes occurring within a diverse society. Works Cited Rose, Mike. "Lives on the Boundary." The Presence of Others. Ed. Lunsford, Andrea A., and John J. Ruskiewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000. 105-118. Spayde, Jon. "Learning in the Key of Life." The Presence of Others. Ed. Lunsford, Andrea A., and John J. Ruskiewicz. Boston: Bedfors/St. Martin's, 2000. 58-63. "THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA; MOREHOUSE COLLEGE; THE EVERGREEEN STATE COLLEGE UNIVERSITY; CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MONTERY BAY; AND THOMAS AQUINAS COLLEGE Mission Statements." The Presence of Others. Ed. Lunsford, Andrea A., and John J. Ruskiewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000. 51-

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ecosystems and Environmental Discourse :: Essays Papers

Ecosystems and Environmental Discourse What is an ecosystem? At first glance, this seems to be a straightforward question, one to be answered by environmental scientists. However, the concept of an ecosystem, or more specifically, the action that posits the existence of an ecosystem, raises a series of questions that challenge some basic assumptions about the environment. For instance, is an ecosystem a concrete object in the same way that a stone or a tree is? Or instead, is an ecosystem a set of interactions between such objects? While ecosystems do indeed exist, it is not without dramatic changes in our epistemology that we can speak of such objects without contradiction. Most importantly, we must acknowledge that the existence of ecosystems is contingent on human society. Environmental scientists certainly play an important role in describing ecosystems and in prescribing correct management of these systems, but we miss an important aspect of humanity’s role in the environment if we see ecosystems as discrete objects that exist independent of human society. Then what is an ecosystem? An ecosystem is a concept constructed by human society that aids us in perceiving an amazingly complex structure of interactions. This construction is rooted fundamentally in our language and the discourse that surrounds environmental issues. As such, the concept of discourse and the practice of discourse analysis are vital to understanding what an ecosystem might be. While there are advantages to seeing ecosystem as concrete objects, it is my intention in this section to describe an alternative view of ecosystems that is rooted in postpositivistic, postmodern analysis of reality. Hopefully, such analysis will also be useful in analyzing other concepts pertinent to environmental issues. To approach this alternative view, I will outline the concept of discourse as formulated by Michel Foucault, summarize the views and extension of post-Foucauldian discourse analytic theorists, and finally, apply these concepts to the question of ecosystems. Throughout, I will address the epistemological changes implicit in discourse analysis. A discourse is an institutionalized way of speaking that determines not only what we say and how we say it, but also what we do not say. Originating in the field of linguistics, the term discourse initially referred to whole units of speech (conversations) and the speech community in which these units were communicated. William Labov (1972) and other sociolinguists have used discourse analysis primarily as a descriptive tool, leaving epistemological and postmodern considerations aside.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Analysis of Ann Patchett’s “Bel Canto

In Ann Patchett’s novel, â€Å"Bel Canto,† various themes that are dramatic or psychological in content are explored. However, arguably the most notable among them is the strange nature and irony of fate, which also encompasses several sub-themes such as the abundance of passion and love in the face of death. These themes are highlighted mostly by the relationships between the characters and the development of their personalities. In general, the strange twist of fate is best depicted by the unusual relationships formed between the characters in the novel.These ties and bonds built can arguably be described unusual due to the backdrop of the story. Basically, the entire plot revolves around a terrorist group taking hostage various celebrities, politicians, and other prominent personalities for a several months while at the same time forming unique relationships with their victims in the process at the house of the vice-president of a Latin American country. Moreover, as the novel concludes, the so-called heroes or good guys aren’t exactly the ideal benevolent people one would expect and the villains or bad guys (Gioia n.p. ). Towards the end, the lines between the terrorists and the hostages are blurred as both groups become less hostile and friendlier to each other, which further added to the strange change in fate of the characters in the story. Ironically, it was as if all the hostages and the terrorists wanted to remain inside the home of the country’s vice president where they have been holed up since the crisis began. Moreover, as mentioned above, multiple unique relationships are formed between the characters of the book.The first notable one is between Roxanne Coss, the American Soprano singer, and her fellow captive, Katsumi Hosokawa, who is also one of her big fans. Although their romance is evident in the novel, it is somehow ironic because they could not understand each other due to a language barrier. In other words, alt hough Roxanne and Katsumi were not able to communicate verbally, they shared a passion for each other which aroused in the face of death—one of the sub-themes explored in the novel.However, like all the other hostages, Roxanne and Katsumi knew the painful reality that awaits them should there captivity ends. In chapter 10 of the novel, Kastumi reflected on the possible scenarios if they are released from their captors. â€Å"He understood that these were extraordinary times, and if their old life was ever restored to them, nothing would be the same† (Patchett 298). Meaning to say, Kastumi knew that he loved Roxanne and how full his life has become but also realized that their relationship could never exist in the world outside their captivity.This is highly ironic because like the rest of the hostages, initially, the only thing that Katsumi and Roxanne wanted was to escape from their terrorist captors and get their normal lives back. But due to the deep involvement of the two with each other and due to the romantic relationship they have formed, they no longed wanted to escape but instead remain in captivity, which is one of the best examples of the strange nature of fate explored in the novel.The same applies to the relationship between Gen Watanabe, Katsumi’s translator, and Carmen, one of the young female terrorists. The two became romantically involved with each other when Gen taught Carmen how to read. They would meet inside a closet every night for Carmen’s reading lessons and where they would also make love. In other words, like Katsumi and Roxanne, the two have also accepted the fact that their hostage-terrorist relationship cannot be revealed to anyone nor could it exist in the world outside.In the tenth chapter of the novel, after learning that the government forces would soon attack and release all hostages, the author described the reaction of the two: â€Å"So Gen should have said something more, and Carmen should have listened more, but instead she kissed him, because the important thing was to forget. That kiss was like a lake, deep and clear, and they swam into it forgetting† (Patchett 302). Meaning to say, the two have accepted their fate and the fact that their relationship would be short-lived. Instead of pondering on the upcoming reality, they chose to make the most their present situation by hugging and kissing.In short, the novel vividly illustrates the strange twist of fate between among the characters in the novel. In early chapters, the characters can be divided into two groups: the hostages and the terrorists. However, as the story progresses, in a strange twist of fate, those lines that divide the two groups become blurred as the captives and the captors began enjoying each other’s company. This is exemplified not only by the relationships formed between Katsumi and Roxanne and Gen and Carmen but in other characters as well.In one scene, Ruben Iglesias, the vice preside nt of the Latin American Country and owner of the house where the hostages were held in the novel, was shown playing chess with the leader of the terrorists, General Benjamin. The vice president also implied that he was considering adopting one of the young members of the terrorists, Ishmael. Therefore, it can be surmised that hostage crisis transformed nearly all of the characters in the novel to the point where they wanted to remain holed up in the vice-president’s house forever, which is exactly the opposite of what hostages usually feel when they are held captive.Over-all, the novel greatly explored a theme in which the fate of its characters took an ironic twist that added depth and color to the over-all plot. The strange yet unique relationships formed are the best examples of the theme in which the true identities of the characters were also revealed. Works Cited Goia, Ted. â€Å"Bel Canto†. 2008. The New Canon. com 11 May 2009 < http://www. thenewcanon. com/bel _canto. html>. Patchett, Ann. Bel Canto. New York: Harper Perennial, 2002.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Coming to America

Coming to America Narrative Essay College Writing I My name is Angela S. Baez, and you can call me Angela. I am from the Dominican Republic. In this essay I would like to tell you a story about my experience in coming to the USA. I was very happy when I found out my daughter and I received full residency status from the USA. We would be moving to New York City Sometimes, I felt nervous, because it was my first time to go to another country, which used a different language than my country. I also had to leave my family for a long time. However, I tried to keep strong and calm.I knew it was a good choice to move to the U. S. We departed from my hometown (Montecristi) to Santo Domingo on April 12, 1993 at 7:00 a. m. I went by and got there four hours later. In the airport, we went to the American Airlines counter and checked in for my daughter and me. We went through security. It was really empty because it was very early. After that we went to our gate. We walked around the airport and took a seat to wait for a while. I took my daughter to a cafeteria to eat some food and a soda. We were very early so we had time to walk. Two hours later, we went back to the gate to board the plane.I am sure that my daughter had no idea what was going on, and luckily she was a very quiet child, so I was not nervous. On the plane, I found our seats and sat down and buckled our seat belts. I had never been on a plane before. When I realized that in a few moment we were going to be on the air, I was nervous. But I had to look calm, for my daughter, and for everyone else. The pilot introduced himself and said that the flight from Santo Domingo to New York was going to take 4 hours. The flight attendants stood at the front of the isles and demonstrated the safety precautions as the plane began to get speed.I began to pray, because that’s what I do when I get nervous. When the plane took off, I was relieved, that nothing bad happened. Soon after that my daughter fell asleep. She was tired and cranky from being awake since so early in the morning. I could not fall asleep because I was still very nervous. Those had been the longest 4 hours of my life. When the plane finally landed in New York, I remember everyone cheering and clapping. We had made it to America. I looked through the window and saw a place completely different than what I had ever known. I immediately started to feel the chilly weather of New York.I had never experienced cold temperature, but I came prepared with a light jacket and sweater for my daughter and me. When we got off of the plane, it was a brand new experience for me. I was now in a country that I had never been to before, and where I did not know the language spoken. I was nervous that I would not be able to communicate with anyone. After going through customs, I found my husband. He hugged us cheerfully because he had not seen us in two years, since our daughter was born. He had moved to the United States in the 80’s in s earch for a better future, for better opportunities for his family.After he hugged us, he took us outside the airport to the car. It was really cold. The airport was about half an hour away from what was going to be our new home in the Bronx. I looked at the city through the window and did not like what I saw. The city. It looked brown and ugly, and the trees had no leaves yet. That April was especially cold for me. Moving to the United States was a difficult experience for me. At first I felt like I had no family. I only had my daughter and my husband. But things have changed for the better, and if I were not living here, I would not think that my family has a bright future waiting for it. Coming to America Coming to America Narrative Essay College Writing I My name is Angela S. Baez, and you can call me Angela. I am from the Dominican Republic. In this essay I would like to tell you a story about my experience in coming to the USA. I was very happy when I found out my daughter and I received full residency status from the USA. We would be moving to New York City Sometimes, I felt nervous, because it was my first time to go to another country, which used a different language than my country. I also had to leave my family for a long time. However, I tried to keep strong and calm.I knew it was a good choice to move to the U. S. We departed from my hometown (Montecristi) to Santo Domingo on April 12, 1993 at 7:00 a. m. I went by and got there four hours later. In the airport, we went to the American Airlines counter and checked in for my daughter and me. We went through security. It was really empty because it was very early. After that we went to our gate. We walked around the airport and took a seat to wait for a while. I took my daughter to a cafeteria to eat some food and a soda. We were very early so we had time to walk. Two hours later, we went back to the gate to board the plane.I am sure that my daughter had no idea what was going on, and luckily she was a very quiet child, so I was not nervous. On the plane, I found our seats and sat down and buckled our seat belts. I had never been on a plane before. When I realized that in a few moment we were going to be on the air, I was nervous. But I had to look calm, for my daughter, and for everyone else. The pilot introduced himself and said that the flight from Santo Domingo to New York was going to take 4 hours. The flight attendants stood at the front of the isles and demonstrated the safety precautions as the plane began to get speed.I began to pray, because that’s what I do when I get nervous. When the plane took off, I was relieved, that nothing bad happened. Soon after that my daughter fell asleep. She was tired and cranky from being awake since so early in the morning. I could not fall asleep because I was still very nervous. Those had been the longest 4 hours of my life. When the plane finally landed in New York, I remember everyone cheering and clapping. We had made it to America. I looked through the window and saw a place completely different than what I had ever known. I immediately started to feel the chilly weather of New York.I had never experienced cold temperature, but I came prepared with a light jacket and sweater for my daughter and me. When we got off of the plane, it was a brand new experience for me. I was now in a country that I had never been to before, and where I did not know the language spoken. I was nervous that I would not be able to communicate with anyone. After going through customs, I found my husband. He hugged us cheerfully because he had not seen us in two years, since our daughter was born. He had moved to the United States in the 80’s in s earch for a better future, for better opportunities for his family.After he hugged us, he took us outside the airport to the car. It was really cold. The airport was about half an hour away from what was going to be our new home in the Bronx. I looked at the city through the window and did not like what I saw. The city. It looked brown and ugly, and the trees had no leaves yet. That April was especially cold for me. Moving to the United States was a difficult experience for me. At first I felt like I had no family. I only had my daughter and my husband. But things have changed for the better, and if I were not living here, I would not think that my family has a bright future waiting for it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Illusions Within the Great Gatsby

American Illusions in The Great Gatsby The American dream. Every American has his or her own ideals and preferences, but all share more or less the same dream. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores what happens when this dream is taken too far. What is one to do when the dream begins to overshadow reality? What are the consequences when a successful man allows the dream to matter more than life itself? Fitzgerald tells all through the hopeless Gatsby, idealistic Nick, and ignorant Myrtle. Mansions, cars, jewels, and extravagant parties- what more could a person want?Gatsby had it all, yet he was still empty inside, craving more. All the riches Gatsby has mean nothing without his great love, Daisy. Gatsby strived to become successful for the sole purpose of capturing Daisy's heart. However, Gatsby's dream is an unattainable and hopeless dream for he can never win her love. Daisy and Gatsby live only miles apart, but their relationship is eons apart, as Daisy is already attached. Ga tsby is pursuing â€Å"a transcendent significance outside of society and beyond the notability of history† (Lynn 180).Gatsby is dreaming â€Å"the American dream† that anything is possible, but the tragic flaw within him is that he is living in the past and cannot see the destructive future that lies ahead. Gatsby says, â€Å"I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before,†¦ She'll see,† and he does not realize that he cannot make it the way it was before (Fitzgerald 114). When Gatsby does get the chance to prove himself to Daisy, it is already too late. According to Fitzgerald, â€Å"the whole caravansay had fallen in like a card house at the disapproval in her eyes,† (Fitzgerald 114).Gatsby's downfall is in the fact that he is unable to determine the fine line that divides reality and illusion in his life. The green light at the end of Daisy's dock burns bright for Gatsby, but Gatsby does not realize that he cannot ever capture the light. He continues to dream blindly. This is evident when Nick tells Gatsby that he cannot relive the past and Gatsby replies, â€Å"Why of course you can, old sport! † (Fitzgerald 116). Gatsby's dream of capturing Daisy's love is based on a fantasy of romance, but the truth is that Daisy is already taken and no amount of money or popularity can change hat. His obsession leads him to come out and profess his love for Daisy, but Daisy does not follow in suit and his dream is over. Nick sums up Gatsby by saying â€Å"He did not know that [his dream] was already behind him†¦ † Gatsby's â€Å"American dream† was a one-way street and, with unrequited love, Gatsby's dream can never come true. Gatsby's â€Å"American dream† leads him to protect Daisy and causes his subsequent downfall, death. Nick has a haughty and idealistic dream of America, which clouds his own judgment.Nick is more aware than Gatsby. He makes a clear distinction between fantasy and reality. N ick is able to separate romance from real life. He has a perfectionist vision of America, and he judges people against his ideal American society. Nick is the right person in the wrong city associating with the wrong crowd. Nick is raised in an idealist middle-west society â€Å"where dwellings are still called through decades by a family's name,† and where tradition is part of everyday life (Fitzgerald 184).Nick dreams the â€Å"American dream† that he can travel to the East and become wealthy and still have all the old-fashioned ways of his town. After spending a few months in the East, Nick comes to the realization that the East is corrupt, materialistic, and self-centered. Nick's view on life is based on Western morals and a â€Å"western† American dream; one to which the East cannot measure up. Nick follows his dream according to his western morals of hard work and righteousness, yet in the East he possesses â€Å"some deficiency† which made him â₠¬Å"subtly unadaptable to Eastern life† (Fitzgerald 184).Nick is portrayed as a young man who comes to the East to make his fortune, but finally goes back to the mid-west, horribly disillusioned. Nick is let down by his â€Å"American dream† and loses a part of his faith in society. Myrtle Wilson, like many other commoners among American society, has the â€Å"American dream† to move ahead and become successful. Myrtle is tired of her life as a â€Å"nobody from nowhere. † She wanted power, wealth, and fame. Myrtle's way out of the ruins of society and the valley of the ashes is Tom. Myrtle feels a sense of power and with Tom she is closer to her â€Å"American Dream. Myrtle, as many Americans do, dreams of moving up in the social ladder, up towards the extravagant parties of the rich- the ultimate â€Å"American dream. † Myrtle had no chance of moving up with George Wilson, and she ended up having an affair with Tom to get ahead. Myrtle does not re alize she is just a toy on the side for Tom, and her dream will not likely come true. Myrtle is too foolishly stuck in her optimistic and ideal world to realize that Tom will never take a chance at moving a step down the social ladder.The naive Myrtle dreams of moving ahead with Tom and towards the rich society, yet in the end it is carelessness of that same society which causes her death. Myrtle Wilson turns out to be the brutal victim of Gatsby's and Daisy's love affair, as she left in the street for death while Gatsby and Daisy drive off without any thought of what they had done. â€Å"They saw that her left breast was swinging loose like a flap and there was no need to listen for the heart beneath† (Fitzgerald 145).Myrtle just wanted to attain her â€Å"American dream† like many others, but her ambition and lust for power caused her to pay the ultimate price, death. The hopelessness of Gatsby, Nick's idealism, and Myrtle's dream all contribute to the illusion of th e American Dream. It is not simply American to dream, it is the duty of every person to dream. However, to dream too far and become too entranced and engrossed in one's dream leads to either destructive behavior, ruin, or to disappointment. The Great Gatsby is based on this idea of an â€Å"American dream. † However, dreams that are taken too far become harmful illusions.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Physical Education Essay

Physical education trends have developed recently[when? ] to incorporate a greater variety of activities besides typical sports. Introducing students to activities like bowling, walking/hiking, or Frisbee at an early age can help students develop good activity habits that will carry over into adulthood. Some teachers have even begun to incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, deep-breathing and tai chi. Tai chi, an ancient martial arts form focused on slow meditative movements is a relaxation activity with many benefits for students. see more:history of physical education in the philippines Studies have shown that tai chi enhances muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and provides many other physical benefits. It also provides psychological benefits such as improving general mental health, concentration, awareness and positive mood. It can be taught to any age student with little or no equipment making it ideal for mixed ability and age classes. Tai chi can easily be incorporated into a holistic learning body and mind unit. [2] Teaching non-traditional sports to students may also provide the necessary motivation for students to increase their activity, and can help students learn about different cultures. For example, while teaching a unit about lacrosse (in, say, Arizona, USA), students can also learn a little bit about the Native American cultures of the Northeast and Eastern Canada, where lacrosse originated. Teaching non-traditional (or non-native) sports provides a great opportunity to integrate academic concepts from other subjects as well (social studies from the example above), which may now be required of many P. E. teachers. The four aspects of P. E. are physical, mental, social, and emotional. [citation needed] Another trend is the incorporation of health and nutrition to the physical education curriculum. The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 required that all school districts with a federally funded school meal program develop wellness policies that address nutrition and physical activity. [3] While teaching students sports and movement skills, P. E. teachers are now incorporating short health and nutrition lessons into the curriculum. This is more prevalent at the elementary school level, where students do not have a specific Health class. Recently most elementary schools have specific health classes for students as well as physical education class. With the recent outbreaks of diseases such as swine flu, school districts are making it mandatory for students to learn about practicing good hygiene along with other health topics. Today many states require Physical Education teachers to be certified to teach Health courses. Many colleges and Universities offer both Physical Education and Health as one certification. This push towards health education is beginning in the intermediate level, including lessons on bullying, self-esteem and stress and anger management. Research has shown that there is a positive corrolation between brain development and exercising. [4] Incorporating local indigenous knowledge into physical education can lead to many meaningful experiences and a way of learning about other cultures. For example by incorporating traditional knowledge from varying indigenous groups from across Canada students can be exposed to a many concepts such as holistic learning and the medicine wheel. A unit could be focused on connecting to a place or feeling while outdoors, participating in traditional games, or outdoor environmental education. These types of lesson can easily be integrated into other parts of the curriculum and give Aboriginal students a chance to incorporate their culture in the local school community [5] Studies have been done in how physical education can help improve academic achievement. In a 2007 article, researchers found a profound gain in student’s English Arts standardized testing students who had 56 hours of physical education in a year compared to like students who had 28 hours of physical education a year. [6] In Brazil, the physical education curriculum is designed to allow school pupils a full range of modern opportunities, dozens of sports and hundreds of carefully reviewed drills and exercises, including exposure to education with the use of pedometer, GPS, and heart rate monitors, as well as state-of-the-art exercise machines in the upper grades. Some martial arts classes, like wrestling in the United States, and Pencak Silat in France, Indonesia, and Malaysia, are taught to teach children self-defense and to feel good about themselves. The physical education curriculum is designed to allow students to experience at least a minimum exposure to the following categories of activities: aquatics, conditioning activities, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, team sports, rhythms, and dance. Students are encouraged to continue to explore those activities in which they have a primary interest by effectively managing their community resources. In these areas, a planned sequence of learning experiences is designed to support a progression of student development. This allows kids through 6th grade to be introduced to sports, fitness, and teamwork in order to be better prepared for the middle and high school age. In 1975, the United States House of Representatives voted to require school physical education classes include both genders. [7] Some high school and some middle school PE classes are single-sex. Requiring individuals to participate in physical education activities, such as dodge ball, flag football, and other competitive sports remains a controversial subject because of the social impact these have cases physical education programs have been cut. Technology use in physical education New technology in Physical education is playing a big role in classes. One of the most affordable and effective is a simple video recorder. With the use of a video recorder students can see the mistakes they’re making in things such as a throwing motion or swinging form. [8] Studies show that students find this more effective than having someone try to explain what they are doing wrong, and then trying to correct it. [9] Educators also found the use of other technologies such as pedometers and heart rate monitors very successful, using them to make step and heart rate goals for students. [10] Other technologies that can be used in a Physical Education setting would include video projectors, GPS and even gaming systems such as Kinect, Wii Fit and Dance Dance Revolution. Projectors can be used to show students things such as proper form or how to play certain games. GPS systems can be used to get students active in an outdoor setting and active exergames can be used by teachers to show students a good way to stay fit in and out of the classroom setting[11] Another type of technology that is commonly used in Physical Education is the use of pedometers. Pedemeters do not necessarily track how far a person is going, but it lets them know the number of steps they are making. It will let them know how many steps on average they are making and want to strive to get more the next class. [1] There are many lessons that you can use for many grade levels when you are teaching students to use a pedometer it is important to make it a game, especially for younger students. [2] Worldwide In Australia, physical education was first made a compulsory part of the curriculum in Victorian Government primary and secondary schools in 1981. The policy was outlined in a Ministerial Statement to the Victorian Legisaltive Assembly by the Minister for Educational Services, the Honourable Norman Lacy MP on 17th September. [3] In South Korea, it is mandatory for pupils to take 3 hours of PE through primary and secondary schools. [citation needed] In Portugal, pupils from primary school could optionally join PE as an extra-curricular activity. From middle school to secondary school, pupils must participate in PE classes 2 hours per week. [citation needed] In Singapore, pupils from primary school through junior colleges are required to have 2 hours of PE every week, except during examination seasons. Pupils are able to play games like football, badminton, captain’s ball, and basketball during most sessions. Unorthodox sports such as touchball, fencing, and skateboarding are occasionally played. In more prestigious secondary schools and in junior colleges, sports such as golf, tennis, shooting, and squash are played. A compulsory fitness exam, NAPFA, is conducted in every school once every year to assess the physical fitness of the pupils. [citation needed] Pupils are given a series of fitness tests (Pull-ups/Inclined pull-ups for girls, standing broad jump, sit-ups, sit-and-reach and 1. 6 km for primary [10-12 year-olds]/2. 4 km for secondary and junior college levels [13-18 year-olds]). Students are graded by gold, silver, bronze or fail. NAPFA for pre-enlistees serves as an indicator for an additional 2 months in the country’s compulsory national service if they attain bronze or fail. In British Columbia, Canada the government has stated in the grade one curriculum that students must participate in physical activity daily five times a week. Also the teacher is responsible for planning Daily Physical Activity (DPA) which is thirty minutes of mild to moderate physical activity a day not including curriculum physical education classes. The curriculum also requires students in grade one to be knowledgeable about healthy living. For example students must be able to describe befits of regular exercise, identify healthy choices that require them to be more physically active, and describe importance of choosing healthy food. [12] In Malaysia, pupils from primary schools to secondary schools are expected to do 2 periods or 1 hour of PE throughout the year except a week before examination. In most secondary schools, games like badminton, sepak takraw, football, basketball and tennis are available. Pupils are allowed to bring their own sports equipment to the school with the authorization of the teacher. In most secondary schools, physical exams are rarely done, but schools record pupils’ height, weight and number of push-ups they can do. [citation needed] In Scotland, pupils are expected to do at least two periods of PE in first, second, third and fourth year. In fifth and sixth year, PE is voluntary. [citation needed] In Ireland, P. E. is mandatory for all years. Unless, the school gives the option for a student to do the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme instead for fifth and sixth year. Indonesian high school students are playing traditional game â€Å"Benteng† In Indonesia, students ranging from Kindergarten to High School have PE integrated with their curriculum. Kindergarten until Grade 3 of Elementary students have gymnastics, starting from Grade 4 of Elementary School, students will be introduced into traditional martial arts Pencak Silat and some team games such as badminton, tennis, soccer, futsal, rounders, basketball, etc. Starting from Junior High School, Both gender are separated during PE class. PE find its place in extracurricular forms, where students can specialize themself in one kind of sports they choose. Sport Festival can be held during vacuum period, usually after examination. At this time students can compete each other by bringing own class’ flag. Some universities such as ITB include PE in curriculum for freshmen Some countries include Martial Arts training in school as part of Physical Education class. These Filipino children are doing karate. In the Philippines, some schools have integrated martial arts training into their Physical Education curriculum. [13][14][15][16][17] In England, pupils are expected to do two hours of PE a week in Year 7, 8 and 9 and at least 1 in year 10 and 11. [18] In Wales, pupils are expected to do only one hour of PE per fortnight. [19] In Poland, pupils are expected to do at least three hours of PE a week during primary and secondary education. [20] Universities must also organise at least 60 hours of physical education classes at undergraduate courses. [21] In India, Physical Education is an important subject in schools. Many students chose Physical Education as a subject against Language Subject Like English, French, some time official language Hindi and some time local languages like Punjabi, because it is a very scoring subject and very interesting. [clarification needed] Assignments on Physical education increase the interest in Sports Educational Bodies in India like Central Board of Secondary Education and Punjab School Education Board are in those which conduct examination on Physical Education in affiliated schools and colleges. [citation needed] Many people see Physical Education as Physical Activity or Game. Physical Activity or Game is only a subset of the entire Physical Education Curriculum, however, physical activity or Game is the key foundation of a  successful PE program. In today’s high tech society, a successful Physical Education (PE) plays an important role in the physical growth and development of students in fighting against the sedentary lifestyle brought towards us through the convenience of new technology and devices. Through PE, students acquire the knowledge, skills, right attitudes and values towards the pursuit of a lifelong physically active and healthy lifestyle. It also provides an avenue for students to express themselves through movement and physical activity. The PE programme in Bina Bangsa school is design to allow the younger ones to enjoy physical activity in the first 2 years and as they grow in maturity, other components will be slowly added. The Bina Bangsa PE Programme is designed such that all students are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activities such as sports and games and acquire the concepts and skills that will enable them to participate in these sports and games both for leisure and competition. In addition, PE provides a natural platform and valuable opportunities to develop self-management skills, social and co-operative skills, and build character. It serves to complement other educational areas in promoting the desired outcomes of education. In particular, PE helps to cultivate healthy habits, teamwork, resilience, high self-esteem and resolve. Physical education trends have developed recently[when? ] to incorporate a greater variety of activities besides typical sports. Introducing students to activities like bowling, walking/hiking, or Frisbee at an early age can help students develop good activity habits that will carry over into adulthood. Some teachers have even begun to incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, deep-breathing and tai chi. Tai chi, an ancient martial arts form focused on slow meditative movements is a relaxation activity with many benefits for students. Studies have shown that tai chi enhances muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and provides many other physical benefits. It also provides psychological benefits such as improving general mental health, concentration, awareness and positive mood. It can be taught to any age student with little or no equipment making it ideal for mixed ability and age classes. Tai chi can easily be incorporated into a holistic learning body and mind unit. [2] Teaching non-traditional sports to students may also provide the necessary motivation for students to increase their activity, and can help students learn about different cultures. For example, while teaching a unit about lacrosse (in, say, Arizona, USA), students can also learn a little bit about the Native American cultures of the Northeast and Eastern Canada, where lacrosse originated. Teaching non-traditional (or non-native) sports provides a great opportunity to integrate academic concepts from other subjects as well (social studies from the example above), which may now be required of many P. E. teachers. The four aspects of P. E. are physical, mental, social, and emotional. [citation needed] Another trend is the incorporation of health and nutrition to the physical education curriculum. The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 required that all school districts with a federally funded school meal program develop wellness policies that address nutrition and physical activity. [3] While teaching students sports and movement skills, P. E. teachers are now incorporating short health and nutrition lessons into the curriculum. This is more prevalent at the elementary school level, where students do not have a specific Health class. Recently most elementary schools have specific health classes for students as well as physical education class. With the recent outbreaks of diseases such as swine flu, school districts are making it mandatory for students to learn about practicing good hygiene along with other health topics. Today many states require Physical Education teachers to be certified to teach Health courses. Many colleges and Universities offer both Physical Education and Health as one certification. This push towards health education is beginning in the intermediate level, including lessons on bullying, self-esteem and stress and anger management. Research has shown that there is a positive corrolation between brain development and exercising. [4] Incorporating local indigenous knowledge into physical education can lead to many meaningful experiences and a way of learning about other cultures. For example by incorporating traditional knowledge from varying indigenous groups from across Canada students can be exposed to a many concepts such as holistic learning and the medicine wheel. A unit could be focused on connecting to a place or feeling while outdoors, participating in traditional games, or outdoor environmental education. These types of lesson can easily be integrated into other parts of the curriculum and give Aboriginal students a chance to incorporate their culture in the local school community [5] Studies have been done in how physical education can help improve academic achievement. In a 2007 article, researchers found a profound gain in student’s English Arts standardized testing students who had 56 hours of physical education in a year compared to like students who had 28 hours of physical education a year. [6] In Brazil, the physical education curriculum is designed to allow school pupils a full range of modern opportunities, dozens of sports and hundreds of carefully reviewed drills and exercises, including exposure to education with the use of pedometer, GPS, and heart rate monitors, as well as state-of-the-art exercise machines in the upper grades. Some martial arts classes, like wrestling in the United States, and Pencak Silat in France, Indonesia, and Malaysia, are taught to teach children self-defense and to feel good about themselves. The physical education curriculum is designed to allow students to experience at least a minimum exposure to the following categories of activities: aquatics, conditioning activities, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, team sports, rhythms, and dance. Students are encouraged to continue to explore those activities in which they have a primary interest by effectively managing their community resources. In these areas, a planned sequence of learning experiences is designed to support a progression of student development. This allows kids through 6th grade to be introduced to sports, fitness, and teamwork in order to be better prepared for the middle and high school age. In 1975, the United States House of Representatives voted to require school physical education classes include both genders. [7] Some high school and some middle school PE classes are single-sex. Requiring individuals to participate in physical education activities, such as dodge ball, flag football, and other competitive sports remains a controversial subject because of the social impact these have cases physical education programs have been cut. Technology use in physical education New technology in Physical education is playing a big role in classes. One of the most affordable and effective is a simple video recorder. With the use of a video recorder students can see the mistakes they’re making in things such as a throwing motion or swinging form. [8] Studies show that students find this more effective than having someone try to explain what they are doing wrong, and then trying to correct it. [9] Educators also found the use of other technologies such as pedometers and heart rate monitors very successful, using them to make step and heart rate goals for students. [10] Other technologies that can be used in a Physical Education setting would include video projectors, GPS and even gaming systems such as Kinect, Wii Fit and Dance Dance Revolution. Projectors can be used to show students things such as proper form or how to play certain games. GPS systems can be used to get students active in an outdoor setting and active exergames can be used by teachers to show students a good way to stay fit in and out of the classroom setting[11] Another type of technology that is commonly used in Physical Education is the use of pedometers. Pedemeters do not necessarily track how far a person is going, but it lets them know the number of steps they are making. It will let them know how many steps on average they are making and want to strive to get more the next class. [1] There are many lessons that you can use for many grade levels when you are teaching students to use a pedometer it is important to make it a game, especially for younger students. [2] Worldwide In Australia, physical education was first made a compulsory part of the curriculum in Victorian Government primary and secondary schools in 1981. The policy was outlined in a Ministerial Statement to the Victorian Legisaltive Assembly by the Minister for Educational Services, the Honourable Norman Lacy MP on 17th September. [3] In South Korea, it is mandatory for pupils to take 3 hours of PE through primary and secondary schools. [citation needed] In Portugal, pupils from primary school could optionally join PE as an extra-curricular activity. From middle school to secondary school, pupils must participate in PE classes 2 hours per week. [citation needed] In Singapore, pupils from primary school through junior colleges are required to have 2 hours of PE every week, except during examination seasons. Pupils are able to play games like football, badminton, captain’s ball, and basketball during most sessions. Unorthodox sports such as touchball, fencing, and skateboarding are occasionally played. In more prestigious secondary schools and in junior colleges, sports such as golf, tennis, shooting, and squash are played. A compulsory fitness exam, NAPFA, is conducted in every school once every year to assess the physical fitness of the pupils. [citation needed] Pupils are given a series of fitness tests (Pull-ups/Inclined pull-ups for girls, standing broad jump, sit-ups, sit-and-reach and 1. 6 km for primary [10-12 year-olds]/2. 4 km for secondary and junior college levels [13-18 year-olds]). Students are graded by gold, silver, bronze or fail. NAPFA for pre-enlistees serves as an indicator for an additional 2 months in the country’s compulsory national service if they attain bronze or fail. In British Columbia, Canada the government has stated in the grade one curriculum that students must participate in physical activity daily five times a week. Also the teacher is responsible for planning Daily Physical Activity (DPA) which is thirty minutes of mild to moderate physical activity a day not including curriculum physical education classes. The curriculum also requires students in grade one to be knowledgeable about healthy living. For example students must be able to describe befits of regular exercise, identify healthy choices that require them to be more physically active, and describe importance of choosing healthy food. [12] In Malaysia, pupils from primary schools to secondary schools are expected to do 2 periods or 1 hour of PE throughout the year except a week before examination. In most secondary schools, games like badminton, sepak takraw, football, basketball and tennis are available. Pupils are allowed to bring their own sports equipment to the school with the authorization of the teacher. In most secondary schools, physical exams are rarely done, but schools record pupils’ height, weight and number of push-ups they can do. [citation needed] In Scotland, pupils are expected to do at least two periods of PE in first, second, third and fourth year. In fifth and sixth year, PE is voluntary. [citation needed] In Ireland, P. E. is mandatory for all years. Unless, the school gives the option for a student to do the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme instead for fifth and sixth year. Indonesian high school students are playing traditional game â€Å"Benteng† In Indonesia, students ranging from Kindergarten to High School have PE integrated with their curriculum. Kindergarten until Grade 3 of Elementary students have gymnastics, starting from Grade 4 of Elementary School, students will be introduced into traditional martial arts Pencak Silat and some team games such as badminton, tennis, soccer, futsal, rounders, basketball, etc. Starting from Junior High School, Both gender are separated during PE class. PE find its place in extracurricular forms, where students can specialize themself in one kind of sports they choose. Sport Festival can be held during vacuum period, usually after examination. At this time students can compete each other by bringing own class’ flag. Some universities such as ITB include PE in curriculum for freshmen Some countries include Martial Arts training in school as part of Physical Education class. These Filipino children are doing karate. In the Philippines, some schools have integrated martial arts training into their Physical Education curriculum. [13][14][15][16][17] In England, pupils are expected to do two hours of PE a week in Year 7, 8 and 9 and at least 1 in year 10 and 11. [18] In Wales, pupils are expected to do only one hour of PE per fortnight. [19] In Poland, pupils are expected to do at least three hours of PE a week during primary and secondary education. [20] Universities must also organise at least 60 hours of physical education classes at undergraduate courses. [21] In India, Physical Education is an important subject in schools. Many students chose Physical Education as a subject against Language Subject Like English, French, some time official language Hindi and some time local languages like Punjabi, because it is a very scoring subject and very interesting. [clarification needed] Assignments on Physical education increase the interest in Sports Educational Bodies in India like Central Board of Secondary Education and Punjab School Education Board are in those which conduct examination on Physical Education in affiliated schools and colleges. [citation needed] Many people see Physical Education as Physical Activity or Game. Physical Activity or Game is only a subset of the entire Physical Education Curriculum, however, physical activity or Game is the key foundation of a successful PE program. In today’s high tech society, a successful Physical Education (PE) plays an important role in the physical growth and development of students in fighting against the sedentary lifestyle brought towards us through the convenience of new technology and devices. Through PE, students acquire the knowledge, skills, right attitudes and values towards the pursuit of a lifelong physically active and healthy lifestyle. It also provides an avenue for students to express themselves through movement and physical activity. The PE programme in Bina Bangsa school is design to allow the younger ones to enjoy physical activity in the first 2 years and as they grow in maturity, other components will be slowly added. The Bina Bangsa PE Programme is designed such that all students are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activities such as sports and games and acquire the concepts and skills that will enable them to participate in these sports and games both for leisure and competition. In addition, PE provides a natural platform and valuable opportunities to develop self-management skills, social and co-operative skills, and build character. It serves to complement other educational areas in promoting the desired outcomes of education. In particular, PE helps to cultivate healthy habits, teamwork, resilience, high self-esteem and resolve.