Thursday, September 12, 2019

Garbology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Garbology - Essay Example However taken as a whole they portray an unappealing picture about our priorities and lifestyle. The trash indicates that we can be wasteful at time and lazy since some of the disposed things can be reused in the future. Focusing on the female premises, we note that their trash is composed of mainly food remains that are collected from grocery stores and the food stalls. There are less trashes that indicate cases of alcohol or other drugs. The level of trash is high and this indicates that they hold social gathering at their premises. The female students are cautious and there is minimal trace of recyclable containers on their garbage. In the premises occupied by male students, I found evidence of fast food remains and various remains of foods from food stalls. The trash entails of sugar papers, coffee containers, and alcohol bottles, this indicates that the students consume alcohol. From the trash collected from both premises, we note that the socioeconomic class of the occupants is low since they are students. There are no valuable items collected from the trash unless for foods and other necessities such as body oil containers, and remains of soaps. There were cans of drinks that were not fully emptied, and many candy papers. Many containers from the garbage could be recycled but students opt to throw them away. In the female premises, there are birth control containers, and this indicated that the occupants were sexually active. From the male premises, there was an increase in alcohol cans, large amount of coffee containers and cigarettes. This indicates that the students used drugs. Two occupants occupied the premises and from the amount of food remains and increase in drinks can were too much for a single household. An increase in rubbish from the premises indicates that the occupants usually have some guests in the rooms. In conclusion, the economic culture of the occupants is developed since there are no ancient items discovered from the trash. It is

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