Friday, December 6, 2019

System Analysis & Design Tele Health

Question: Discuss about theSystem Analysis Designfor Tele Health. Answer: Introduction Purpose The health of the old people will be assessed using the technology tele-health. This technology ensures to determine the exact description from the patient to determine and diagnose their health issues. This technology provides the easiness to avoid visiting the doctor. The doctors help the patient to avoid their number of visits and provides satisfaction of the patient. The tablet computer interaction by the patient will be improved to identify the actual reason for their ill health. It can be carried out at any devices, anywhere at any required time by using the internet ("Empowering Patients with Telehealth", 2016). Scope The scope is that the old aged people need not visit the doctors for their check-up, instead they can be diagnosed from the remote area. The patients are provided with supplements to avoid unplanned visits. The added advantage is that the patients will be able to self-manage their illness. Overview The patients are benefited with the improved technology with the remote healthcare facility and also their supplements. Especially, the old aged people are more benefited from avoiding the number of visits to the healthcare center. With the assumption that the, community-dwelling older people live in regional, rural and remote locations in the central west of North South Wales. The solution aims to provide a cloud-based mobile application or any other methods for the interaction with table and the patient ("Home Telehealth - Overview | National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center", 2016). Problem Statement Product Position Statement The products market value and its position is to be a unique product. For the old aged people, who wish to do their check-up without often visiting the doctor, this product will be very helpful. The Tunstall tele-health monitoring equipment helps the senior patient to avoid their visit to the doctor and have a check-up from a remote place. This reduces most the efforts to go to the doctor and also cut downs the amount for travelling and doctors fees. As each times visit to the doctor requires a huge amount and provides flexibility of the patients to do the check-up whenever they need. Business Opportunity This product will be very effective and is expected to be increase its demand in the market, as todays world is technology oriented and people hardly have time to send in the healthcare centers for just a check-up. Especially, for the old aged people who are depend on their children to take them to the healthcare center. Therefore, it can be the profiting business and there is a high demand for this product in the market ("Home Telehealth - Overview | National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center", 2016). Product Overview Capabilities The equipment ensures to take care of the patient's health from a remote place. It uses the myclinic connected health club, this system contains the set limits for all the diseases. And if it encounters that the limits are exceeding, then it inform their healthcare team about the patient to assist them. This system contains the video conferencing feature ("ICP connected health solution", 2016). Benefits Customer Benefits The patients need not visit the doctor very often. The travelling expenses will be reduced. The expenses of the each visit to the doctor will be cut down. The patient will be convenient to take the test whenever required. The patient need not depend on anyone. This application is user-friendly. It provides effective assistance to the patient. It helps them to have satisfaction form the check-up. It can save a lot of time of the patient. The patients need not wait for the doctors arrival, if he is not available in the town ("Home Telehealth - Overview | National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center", 2016). Doctors Benefits The doctor finds it flexible to provide his service to the remote patients. The doctor can easily treat the patients with chronic disease, mental health care, and other vital services ("Empowering Patients with Telehealth", 2016). The doctors will be able to help the people around the globe anytime without any barrier ("Empowering Patients with Telehealth", 2016). The doctors will be able to take care of their patient even when they are away from the health center in a hospital and can guide the nurse to give the required medications ("Tablets in Healthcare are Cutting Costs and Improving Care Quality", 2014). Improving the Tablet Interaction The application must be set with appropriate limits to identify the health problem. The application should be a smart app that effectively askes a set of questions which are valid. All the health related problems must be feed in to the application and the dilemma to diagnose any risk must be avoided with good set of questioning with the patient. The application must be well tested and approved. It be able to understand the patients health condition and it must also assist them ("Home Telehealth - Overview | National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center", 2016). References Empowering Patients with Telehealth. (2016).Deloitte. Retrieved from Home Telehealth - Overview | National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center. (2016) Retrieved 10 October 2016, from ICP connected health solution. (2016) Retrieved 10 October 2016, from Tablets in Healthcare are Cutting Costs and Improving Care Quality. (2014).iQ by Intel. Retrieved 10 October 2016, from

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