Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hunting Conservation Wildlife Management Tool - 875 Words

Hunting is viewed as a sport or hobby in which the activity of hunting wild animals or game is the goal, especially for food or sport. On the other hand is Conservation, which is the action of conserving something, in particular. Preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife are just some of the examples in which conservation is exercised. If you were ask anyone, usually you would view Hunting and Conservation as two opposites. But, some people actually view the two as hand in hand. How is hunting conservation? It’s viewed as a wildlife management tool. Hunting helps balance wildlife populations with what the land can support, limits crop damage and curtails disease outbreaks. (25 Reasons Why Hunting Is Conservation #17) Also, all together, hunters pay more than $1.6 billion a year for conservation programs. No one gives more! (25 Reasons Why Hunting Is Conservation #11) Some may ask â€Å"What are the cultu ral, political, and economic connection between outdoor sports like hunting and ecological conservation?† Hunting is supported and marketed by the same demographic that supports the sustainability of preserves and conservation efforts. Without organized stewardships, human environments would encroach upon animal habitats, thereby exposing populations to menace, deterioration, and decline. Take the organization ‘Ducks Unlimited’ for instance. Ducks Unlimited is a popular brand amongst men in the southShow MoreRelatedHunting : The Benefits Of Wildlife Conservation1237 Words   |  5 PagesThe Benefits of Hunting Conservation is the protection and preservation of nature (Peterson 53). Hunting is an important part of the conservation of wildlife. Hunting is widely considered a crucial part of wildlife conservation. 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