Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Research Public Campaign

Question: Write an essay on the Research Public Campaign. Answer: Scope, Theme and Objective of Public Relations Campaign According to the case study, Pizza Rush is a reputed pizza take-away company with 50 stores in Australian market. The company is only known for its special ingredients and cleanliness. However, the company was involved in a scandal, which has affected reputation of the company negatively. The reason behind conducting this public relation campaign is to revive the crisis (Austin Pinkleton, 2015). Therefore, it can be said that there is huge scope to improve perceived value of the consumers with this public relations campaign. The theme of the public relations campaign will be Consume Quality Foods, Stay Healthy. Following are the objectives of the public relations campaign. To communicate with the potential consumers for improving customer relation To convey strengths of the products for attracting consumers To ensure the consumers regarding cleanliness and hygiene factors that Pizza Rush maintain To reduce the negative impact influenced by the current scandal of the company Current Trend and development of communication and its impact on the Campaign Years ago, marketers and public relations professionals relies on the traditional platform such as print media and radio. However, the emerging trend of marketing and advertisement influences the marketers to adopt innovative platform such as social media websites like Facebook and Instagram. The current trend of public relation tends the marketers to improve the theme and content of the campaign in order to influence the target market (Soper, 2015). Moreover, the current platform of advertisement helps the marketers to reach to the maximum number of audience (Duh, 2015). Therefore, it can be said that the current trend in public relations will help to clearly spread the organizational message with the targeted audience. When it comes to the recent development in communication, it increases the scope for the company to communicate with the audience efficiently. The current development of communication has introduced two-way communication in which marketers can spontaneously communicate with the audience rather than just spreading message (Place, 2015). Therefore, it will help the public relation professionals to gather viewpoint of the audience and reframe the campaign according to the situation. Audience of the Campaign and their attributes Pizza Rush is facing issues for the current scandal, which influences the perceived value of the consumers regarding hygiene factors of the company. Therefore, it can be said that the primary audience of this public relations campaign will be the consumers of Pizza Rush. When it comes to the attributes of the consumers, Pizza Rush has segmented their consumers based on demographic characteristics, psychographic characteristics and geographical characteristics (Thorson et al., 2015). In case of demographic characteristics, the company has targeted consumers aged above 18 and below 65. Apart from that, the company has also focuses on the income, household size and social class while segmenting the consumers (Morris Goldsworthy, 2015). Moreover, Pizza Rush has targeted consumers based on psychographic characteristics in which the company has targeted consumes those are willing to consumer high quality food at favorable price. When it comes to the geographical characteristics, the compa ny has targeted local residential people and tourists. Options of the Campaign The campaign will be conducted on social media with video advertisement. In order to conduct this campaign, the marketers will create a video advertisement with the campaign theme for influencing the target audience (Buhmann Ingenhoff, 2015). Moreover, the markets will also measure the tariff of the video for identifying the extent in which the campaign is spreading around. The audience will be able to watch the video advertisement through different platform such as mobile phones and desktops. In order to gain positive outcome from the campaign, the pause and resume option will be incorporated (James, 2015). This feature will help the marketers to measure whether the advertisement is affecting the campaign positively or negatively. If the advertisement is going negatively, then the markers will be able to stop the campaign for identifying the issues (Yang Taylor, 2015). Thereafter, the marketers will be able to resume the advertisement campaign again for ensuring that the previous issues has been resolved. Stakeholders to be considered before starting the Campaign The advertisement campaign focuses on perceived value of the consumers and therefore, it can be said that it is directly connected with the integrity of the organization. Therefore, the public relation professionals should share the information of the advertisement campaign with the management of Pizza Rush. Apart from that, the public relation professionals need to communicate with the managers of Pizza Rush in order to approve the entire process and procedures employed (Babiuk et al., 2015). Apart from that, the PR professionals will communicate with the shareholders of the company with the possibilities of the campaign.

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