Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mohammed Ail Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mohammed Ail - Research Paper Example He rose to fame even outside the boxing ring for his outspoken and brave behavior. When the government demanded of him to join the military in 1957 to fight in Vietnam he refused citing religious reasons. He said that he cannot fight until and unless it is justified through religious teachings. The US government did not recognize this excuse and arrested him for draft evasion charges. The American public shifted their perception about Ali after his conviction (Ezra, 2009). People turned sympathetic towards him and saw him as an inspiration. Due to this incident, he could not professionally box for four years at the prime time of his career. Later Ali’s appeal worked its way to the Supreme Court. He won the case in his favor. His court victory made him an icon for a generation that would reject forceful inclusion in the military or any action against their will. Finally in 1971 he returned to the ring. He won the world heavyweight championship title three times; 1964, 1974 and 1978. His career as a boxing legend involves historical matches with boxing greats like George Foreman and Joe Frazier. Muhammad Ali rose above his sport after mastering it (Remnick, 2011). Ali brought the game of boxing to a whole new level. With his charismatic personality, his sheer power in the ring and his butterfly movements he became an icon for the sports of boxing. Ali is an entertainer when it comes to interviews and TV shows. He is an outspoken personality and would love to talk about issues other than boxing. He was the first African-American athlete who would shout his pride of being from the black race. He stood firm against the white establishment. Ali was kept under surveillance by the FBI, and received the same treatment as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X (Remnick, 2011). He lived a high-profile life and move the masses. Ali was born in Louisville Kentucky. His father Cassius Marcellus Clay

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