Friday, August 23, 2019

Personal journal entry 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal journal entry 5 - Essay Example Feminist theory argues that legal positivism is the main reason women have been dominated by men in the past. The theory argues that the law has been written historically baymen to favor the position of men over women. ïÆ'Ëœ Women should be given genuine equality with men in all areas of life as opposed to the current provisions by the law. This is in direct opposition to legal positivism. A good example is the 19th amendment to the USA constitution which gives equal rights to voting for both women and men3. The feminist theory fights for the recognition of the differences between the two sexes as opposed to the sameness that are advocated by the legal positivism. The feminist theory argues that, it is until the law acknowledges the differences between men and women, that it can bring equality between them4. In conclusion, presently, the position of women is much better than it was five decades ago. The effort of the feminist movements has ensured that women achieved considerable progress in the campaign. The position of women in today’s society can be attributed to a large percentage, to the changes in the legislation that have happened over the

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