Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Theme of Change in The Crucible, Sky High, Titanic, and The Colour Purp

The global social systems throughout history and today are a constant movement of change seen in emotional, mental and physical patterns. Changes alter perception and perception can manipulate things to change. â€Å"The Crucible† by Arthur Miller, â€Å"Sky High† by Hannah Roberts, â€Å"Titanic† directed by James Cameron and â€Å"The Colour Purple† by Alice Walker, convey the concept of change in an inevitable occurrence or voluntary decisions throughout all aspects of life. Throughout the four texts, various techniques are used to portray these messages, for instance, anecdote, juxtaposition, music, and film techniques. Miller incorporates the character Reverend John Hale in â€Å"The Crucible† as representation of the whole changing town of Salem. Hale is a paradoxical figure that discovers the absence of evil in the people due to the injustices of court decisions. When Rev. Hale first arrives in Salem in Act one, he is very objective about the whole situation of witchery. He questions Tituba and Abigail about all the events that occurred in the forest such as the girls' dancing, and he believes â€Å"witchery† was involved. The Salem witchcraft trials began as a result. Hale's personal feelings tell him that Abigail and her friends are innocent, but his Puritan background prevents him from questioning the authority of the court. However in Act Three, Hale realizes that John Proctor, the accused, is an honest man when he would willingly ruin his own reputation in the hopes of exposing Abigail as a â€Å"whore†, and denounces the proceedings and left. Ironically, Rev. Hale retur ns to Salem to encourage the accused to lie in order to save their lives. This demonstrates that Hale's beliefs changed dramatically as a result of the injustices of the court. He be... ...e right,† but she says it’s all she has. Eventually, Celie stops thinking of God as she stops thinking of the other men in her life and tells God off, writing, â€Å"You must be sleep.† But after Celie has chased her patriarchal God away and come up with a new concept of God, she writes in her last letter, â€Å"Dear God. Dear stars, dear sky, dear peoples. Dear Everything. Dear God.† This re-imagining of God on her own terms symbolizes Celie’s move from an object of someone else’s care to an independent woman. Walker emphasizes here that the ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings is crucial to developing a sense of self. Individuals and groups are influenced by change that is cataclysmic, whether it would be inevitable or voluntary. As discussed above, change can be seen as acceptance. Once one accepts this change it is adopted but one must live to fulfill it.

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