Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Crucible Research Paper

John Doe The Crucible Research Paper Around the same, beginning in the 1940’s, both McCarthyism and the imprisoning of the Japanese after Pearl Harbor were taking place. Senator Joseph McCarthy went house to house searching and questioning people he believed were communist. If you were accused of being communist you were put on a list called the â€Å"red-list†, which meant that your passport was taken away, your job was at stake or you were sent to jail. Immediately after Pearl Harbor was attacked, the President declared that everyone of Japanese decent could be a possible threat to the American people.The Japanese families all over the nation were sent to internment camps, much like those of the Holocaust. The fortunate ones were told to pack one suitcase and leave their homes and move to their new location, given by the government of course. McCarthyism and the Japanese Internment Camps have several similarities and a few differences. To begin, in both cases, the sub ject at hand was blown out of proportion with inadequate evidence against both the so-called communists and the supposed Japanese spies. â€Å"McCarthy’s relentless pursuit of communist ‘subversives‘ took the witch-hunt to new heights. After the cold war, the threat of communism intensified. Several people, including celebrities, were red-listed. There was absolutely no proof that these people were even communist. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt was convinced that there were Japanese spies here in America. Again, with no factual evidence that these people of Japanese decent were spying for Japan, they were all taken from their homes and places in internment camps or moved to a different location with no explanation. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. † To wrap up, during McCarthyism and the Japanese Interment Camps, both were prisoned unfairly without evidence or trial. Secondly, the two topics at hand differed because with the Japanese, the only people that were moved and or imprisoned were those of Japanese decent, but with the red scare, anyone could possibly be accused. During the time the Japanese were being sent to the internment camps, under the order of President Roosevelt, everyone knew what was going on and exactly who the accused were.On the contrary, while McCarthy was persistently hunting for those who could possible be communists with the thought of overthrowing our Republic, none of the common people knew who or when the next ‘communist’ would be red-listed, or maybe jailed. Mad chaos went through the county in both cases. To conclude, both McCarthyism and the Japanese Internment camps compared and contrasted in a few ways. In both time periods, people were jailed without any proof that they were guilty, chaos was insane due to the random imprisonment of loved ones and friends.However the two contrasted because during McCarthyism several people of many different ethnic backgrounds were red-listed and when the Japanese were being sent to internment camps or relocated, specifically the Japanese were targeted. Works Cited â€Å"History Study Center – Home Page. † History Study Center – Home Page. N. p. , 2002. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Internment History. † PBS. PBS, n. d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. Miller, Arthur. â€Å"McCarthyism. † PBS. PBS, 23 Aug. 2006. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. â€Å"World War Two – Japanese Internment Camps in the USA. † World War Two. N. p. , 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2012.

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